World Noni Research Foundation In Association With International Socieity Of Noni Science, Chennai Organised The 7th National Symposium On Nonisearch 2012

World Noni Research Foundation (WNRF) in association with International Society of Noni Science, Chennai organized the 7th National Symposium on NONISEARCH 2012.
- (1888PressRelease) October 10, 2012 - This two day National Symposium was inaugurated by His Excellency Dr. K Rosaiah, The Governor of Tamil Nadu in the presence of the Chief Guest. Dr. Panjab Singh Former Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Government of India and Vice-Chancellor, BHU presides over the Inaugural session. Dr. Gurbachan Singh, Chairman Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board, New Delhi was the Chief Guest in the plenary session.
Special lectures by Prof. Ram Harsh Singh on "The biology of wellness and impact of Noni Rasayana", Dr. V P Singh on "Noni farming and use - A rich option for the poor and sick" and Padma Shri Dr. P Pushpangadan on "New Chemical entities emerging in Noni (Morinda citrifolia) from modern biotechnological intervention."
Dr. Kirti Singh Chairperson World Noni Research Foundation and President International Society of Noni Science gave a brief account of achievements in research and introduced the theme of the symposium.
The 7th National Symposium on NONISEARCH 2012 is a continuum of earlier six symposia organized by WNRF. Around 75 scientists presented their research findings on Noni in this symposium.
The International Society of Noni Science is a unique scientific society established on 1st October, 2010 during the inaugural session of the World Noni Congress-2010. It publishes the journals-International Journal of Noni Research-. As on date, the International Society has 606 life members, two sustaining members and two corporate members. On this occasion three technical bulletins, Souvenir-2012 and Proceedings of NoniSearch-2012 are being released.