Whalefest Monterey to be held at Old Fishermans Wharf in Monterey on January 21, 2012

Mark your calendars and save the date! Saturday, January 21, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM WHALEFEST MONTEREY will be held at Old Fisherman's Wharf.
- Salinas, CA (1888PressRelease) October 28, 2011 - Don't miss a free fun event for all ages that celebrates the Monterey Bay, Old Fisherman's Wharf, and whales, while benefiting many local marine organizations. WHALEFEST MONTEREY will be held at Old Fisherman's Wharf located at #1 Old Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey, California near the Custom House on Saturday, January 21, 2012 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Whalefest is held in January during the migration of the gray whales although whales are spotted in the Monterey Bay year-round.
The Old Fisherman's Wharf Association is sponsoring WHALEFEST MONTEREY, a fundraising event to benefit many local marine conservation non-profit organizations. The day will feature a wide array of fun activities including a scavenger hunt, an indoor bocce tournament on Fisherman's Wharf, a beach clean up, whale watching excursions, live music and entertainment, a special concert presented by Marine Life Studies with Barbara Joy and the La Mesa School Children's Chorus plus "Whiskie the Whale Spotter™" who will do whale tricks, a dance, lectures by world renowned marine specialists, informative exhibits by marine organizations adjacent to Old Fisherman'sWharf and the parking lot, and a raffle.
A Beach Clean Up organized by Save Our Shores will be from 10:00 AM to 12:00. Registration will be at the head of Old Fisherman's Wharf. There will be squid and fish painting, chalk art, literary participation by local maritime authors, and documentary and film screenings by Blue Ocean and Marine Life Studies that will show the documentary, "Bag It", and the American Cetacean Society will show "Desert Porpoise" at Museum of Monterey Stanton Center Theater.
Featured authors will include Mara Kerr, author of Oceanus, The Healing Power of Love, and Executive Producer of the award winning documentary "In the Wake of Giants", and Tim Thomas, author of The Japanese on the Monterey Peninsula and The Monterey Waterfront. Whales on Wheels" and "Marine Mammals: Adaptations and Communication" will be presented by Save the Whales.
The Bocce Tournament is open to players 12 or older. Pre-registration
is required for this double elimination event by calling Bob Massaro at (831) 649-6544 or email bmassaro ( @ ) bostrommanagement dot com dot The fee is $20 per person which includes a t-shirt and a raffle ticket dot Check-in is at 9:30 AM and the tournament starts at 10:00 AM dot
The Scavenger Hunt will be a timed event from11:00 AM to 3:00 PM with 1st,
2nd & 3rd place prizes and registration fees are $10 per adult, $5 (5-12 years) and free (5 and under) which includes a T-shirt and raffle tickets. Check-in is from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM with awards presented at 1:00 PM and participants
must be present to win. The awards ceremony will be held at 3:00 PM.
At The Wharf Theater on Old Fisherman's Wharf, Save The Whales marine ecologist/educator will present hands-on educational presentations (for all ages) "Whales on Wheels" from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM "Marine Mammals: Adaptations and Communication" which includes baleen, marine mammal skulls, blubber, krill, whale lice and listening and learning about whale and dolphin sounds. From 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Wharf Theater, there will be a special concert presented by Marine Life Studies with Barbara Joy & the La Mesa School Children's Chorus, performing songs dedicated to marine wildlife. Peggy Stap of Marine Life Studies will also be there with her dog, "Whiskie the Whale Spotter™" who will do whale tricks.
Among the other talented musicians playing on the Wharf will be The Whales and Nick Fettis, Jonah and the Whale Watchers and the Monterey Peninsula Academy of Music.
Tim Thomas, historian, and author, will lead walking tours of Monterey's Whaling History.
There will be marine-themed documentary film screenings and lectures during the day at the Stanton Theatre at Museum of Monterey, presented by BLUE, A Global Oceans Film and Conservation Summit. Lecturers include Mark DiOrio, Capital Campaign Director of the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation, Geoff Shester, Pacific Programs Director of Oceana, and Peggy Stap, Executive Director of Marine Life Studies.
The Smiley Orca Face Painting Artist will be available from Noon to 4:00 PM providing face painting that starts at $5.
A dance with live music will be held from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM at the Red Snapper Restaurant, upstairs overlooking the Monterey Marina.
The participating marine conservation organizations that will line the Causeway at Old Fisherman's Wharf (some are worldwide and some are only based in Monterey) include American Cetacean Society - Monterey Bay Chapter, BLUE, A Global Oceans Film and Conservation Summit, California State Parks, Camp SEA Lab, , Friends of Moss Landing Marine Lab, Marine Life Studies, Monterey Academy of Oceanographic Science, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation, Monterey History and Art Association, Monterey Library, Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club, Oceana, Pacific Shark Research Center, PUACF, REI, Save Our Shores, Save The Whales, Surfrider Foundation-Monterey Chapter, The Marine Mammal Center, MY Museum, The Otter Project, and more. Other participating organizations include REI. Sponsors include BLUE, A Global Oceans Film and Conservation Summit, Monterey Academy of Oceanographic Science and California State Parks. Special thanks go to Big Sur International Marathon and The Wharf Theater.
The mission of the Old Fisherman's Wharf Association is to bring public awareness to the dynamic marine organizations that affect Monterey Bay. For more information, to volunteer or to become a sponsor, call Bob
Massaro at (831) 649-6544 or email bmassaro ( @ ) bostrommanagement dot com and
check out the website at www.montereywharf.com.
(831) 633-4444 or brickman ( @ ) brickmanmarketing dot com