Webinar Leader Asks CPAs, "Are You Tired of Being a Commodity Yet?"

Many accountants spend far too much time attending cattle-call networking events and writing proposals for RPs. This happens only to CPAs who allow themselves to become commodities. Six questions tell them if they are commodities. 27 minutes can teach them what to do to change their situation.
- Newark, NJ (1888PressRelease) July 07, 2011 - Google "accountants" or "CPAs" in any city in the nation and you will obtain a list of accounting firms. Click on each and note the services provided and the industries served. Typically, you will find that 99% of the firms are interchangeable - by changing the names and photos on the web sites, you would not be able to distinguish one from the other. These firms are commodities. Some of these CPAs are tired of being commodities and being treated as commodities. For them, David Wolfskehl, President and CEO of The Practice Building Team, has an answer that any CPA can implement. The answer is simple: Stop acting like a commodity. Identify your unique expertise and build your micro-niche business around it.
Wolfskehl believes most CPAs commoditize themselves or their firm within the first 20 seconds after being asked what they do for a living. "Most will answer, 'I'm an accountant.' "Wolfskehl says, "People hear that and think, 'I know ten accountants. You have nothing to offer that I need.' On the other hand, an expert in a micro-niche accounting area will answer instead, "I am an expert on tax and accounting issues that affect companies doing business in the US and Canada. I help these companies make decisions about where to build manufacturing facilities and how to capitalize on tax breaks for companies doing business in the two countries making electronic equipment for manufacturers.' If the person who asked the question happens to own a company that makes critical electronic equipment for manufacturers and is located in upstate New York, the accountant has captured his attention."
Wolfskehl, author of The Micro-Niche Method: The Pathway to Premium Pricing and Increased Profitability for Today's CPAs, points out that the accounting profession has a long tradition of building businesses around practice areas. The problem is that the majority of firms build the same niches. When this happens, says Wolfskehl, "everyone becomes a commodity and there is no good way to differentiate a firm or an individual." The result is that firms try to compete on price and quality - neither of which can possibly be successful.
Wolfskehl is planning a 27-minute web seminar open to all accountants free of charge. In the first 12 minutes, he promises the six questions that enable CPAs to self-diagnose. In the remaining 15 minutes, he promises to put attendees on the path to
- Building centers of influence who send referrals because they know you are the right person to help their client
- Improving gross revenue through premium pricing for micro-niche services
- Designing a customer experience that demonstrates your understanding of your key clients
- Ends the need to compete with other firms
- Increases profitability by increasing recognition
For those who attend this webinar and decide Wolfskehl has a winning solution to the profitability issue, there will be a second webinar to walk through the steps of identifying a marketable area of expertise and building a micro-niche business around it.
Interested persons may register for this webinar on Wednesday, July 13 at 8:00am at http://www3.gotomeeting.com/register.704782190.
About the Presenter
David Wolfskehl is a lifelong entrepreneur and a guide for entrepreneurs. He is a widely respected author and speaker. As President and CEO of The Practice Building Team, David helps CPAs define and build powerful micro-niche businesses that redefine success and professional excellence. Learn more about David and read our micro-niche building blog at http://www.themicronichemethod.com.