
VTE prevention - the geko(TM) device helps NHS meet QIPP & CQUIN quality targets

Top Quote Firstkind Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sky Medical Technology Ltd, is delighted to announce the introduction of the geko™, an innovative VTE prophylaxis medical device, designed to help the NHS meet QIPP and CQUIN national quality targets for DVT prevention. End Quote
    QuoteThe geko(TM) device - increases blood circulation for DVT prevention and a range of circulatory disorders.Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) November 12, 2012 - The size of a wrist-watch, the knee-worn gekoTM device (powered by OnPulseTM technology) delivers non-invasive electro-stimulation to the common peroneal nerve, to painlessly activate micro-contractions of the muscle pumps of the lower leg, causing blood to flow back towards the heart at a volume shown to be 50-70% to that of walking, without the patient having to move or exert energy and without discomfort.

    The NHS QIPP and CQUIN objectives, introduced to address a £20 billion efficiency saving through quality, innovation, productivity and prevention, will fund simplified frontline services, innovative treatments and improved patient care. VTE prevention, a top clinical priority, places trusts who fail to meet QIPP targets at risk of financial penalty linked to the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) framework.

    Bernard Ross, CEO Firstkind Ltd, says, "the innovative gekoTM device is designed help address all four tenants of the NHS QIPP challenge in the fight to prevent Venous Thromboembolism (VTE). We will demonstrate the device at a range of innovations meetings throughout 2012; and work to complete a program of sponsored and investigator led studies is being advanced. Integral to the development of the device is the considerable amount of time we have devoted to understanding the clinical and health economics required to succeed within the modern NHS and in meeting the key components of QIPP, which are":

    Q - Quality:
    Easy-to-use and comfortable to wear, the gekoTM device - a safe and hygienic 16g daily disposable unit - helps reduce waste and the risk of hospital acquired infection. Firstkind Ltd is ISO13485 certified and the gekoTM device is CE marked for increasing blood circulation and for the prevention of venous thrombosis.

    I - Innovation:
    The one-size-fits-all gekoTM device, with a single control button to select one of 7 stimulus settings, delivers painless neuromuscular stimulation to the common peroneal nerve. The gekoTM is the first truly portable DVT prevention micro-device capable of disrupting venous stasis via muscle contraction within the lower limb. Fitted in just 60 seconds and contracting the muscles in the lower leg once per second, the gekoTM device reduces the risk of venous thrombosis 24-7.

    P - Productivity:
    A one-order-code stock item, the one-size-fits-all gekoTM device immediately simplifies procurement compared to multi-code compression garments and IPC sleeves order placement. It shrinks inventory levels; increases stock turnover for ROCE, reduces nurse fitting times (compared to mechanical modalities) and facilitates patient mobility.

    P - Prevention:
    Designed to increase blood circulation for the prevention of VTE, the OnPulseTM technology used in the gekoTM device has been shown in studies to significantly increase blood flow volume and velocity, shown to be 50-70% to that of walking - a greater than 200% increase over a rested lower limb. The gekoTM device offers greatly simplified prophylaxis compared to mechanical VTE prevention outlined in the NICE clinical guideline, CG92.

    Through the unique differential of superior blood flow, simplicity of patient care and enhanced patient mobility, the gekoTM device assures:
    Better patient outcomes
    Reduced length of patient hospital stay
    Substantial cost savings for the NHS and health services globally.

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