Vishram Singh National Anatomy Quiz Contest 2011 Awards Conferred

Press Release vishram singh national anatomy quiz contest 2011 awards conferred.
- (1888PressRelease) November 22, 2011 - Ms Deepshikha Choudhry from Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad (UP); Ms Lubna Kauser, from Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Tumkur (Karnataka) and Mr. Naveen Kumar Kushwaha from Army College of Medical Sciences, Delhi were the winners of the pioneering Vishram Singh National Anatomy Quiz Contest, a prestigious competition conducted by Elsevier, world's largest medical content provider to health professionals, on Nov 18th 2011, at Courtyard Marriot, Gurgaon.
The presiding jury who assessed the performance of the finalists on the grand finale were big names of the medical field. Padmshree Prof. Dr. HS Rissam member board of governor Medical Council of India, chairman cardiac science Max speciality hospital a clinician par excellence, and a visionary educational leader was the chairman of the jury panel. World-acclaimed author and academician , Dr. Parveen Kumar who apart from her one of the most successful works with Elsevier, holds many prestigious positions in UK was a member of the jury panel. Dr. Michael Clark, co-author of Dr Parveen, an eminent academician of enviable repute, Consultant Physician, The Princess Grace Hospital, London, UK, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Barts and the London, Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry was yet another member of the jury panel. Dr. Vishram Singh, the renowned author of anatomy series with Elsevier on whose name the entire competition was dedicated, joined the jury panel as well.
Twenty bright and eager young II Professional year MBBS students, who with their sheer hardwork and determination had reached to the grand finale of Elsevier's Vishram Singh National Anatomy Quiz Contest. More than 152 colleges and 10,000 students had participated in the first round of the quiz that took place in respective college campuses. Top 3 students from each college reached the II level and they went through the grilling process of carrying on online submissions on Elsevier Facebook platform and campus quizzes. With more 370 students participating in the II round, it was a tough task to finalise the top 20. The top winner, Ms Deepshikha was awarded a sum of Rs 25,000/-, I runners-up received Rs 15,000/- and the II runners up was awarded Rs 10,000/-.
Honorable guest of honor, Padmashree, Dr HS Rissam said it succinctly, "We want real heroes for our country who project high standards and who raise bar for youngsters to emulate successfully. Sadly, there is lot of corruption, immorality and weakening value-system. This is extremely disheartening. Medical field is equally being disgraced with such elements. I am therefore, very happy that Elsevier which is known for being stalwarts in providing high quality global content and enable decision-makers in medical field to make the right choices, is going ahead in finding true merit. We want good doctors and only good, honest students can become one. The hunt for such a top talent in anatomy is hence a beginning and perhaps a very apt way of going about finding excellent meritorious candidates who will shape our future. This is a day of great pride!"
To generate a buzz that matched none, Elsevier roped in the power of social media, the Facebook platform of Elsevier and found students queuing up to take part in this great academic extravaganza. Medicos were excited and shared news and bytes with their friends and relatives with whatever interesting transpired in the quiz. Pictures of happy contestants and winners were "liked" and "shared" on this network!
Mr Ajit Sharma, Head-Marketing, Elsevier South Asia, emphasized, " Elsevier believes that basic science subjects' need special attention because they play a vital role in developing skills of future medicos. Medical students must be hence, encouraged to strengthen their subject expertise and skills in these areas. With precisely this thought, Elsevier had launched Vishram Singh National Anatomy Quiz contest in the month of April 2011. When we first conceptualized this contest, we did anticipate a good response. However, such an overwhelming support from the medical fraternity, parents and everyone around has delighted us immensely!"