Ventura's Largest Fundraising Event in aid of Homeless Families

Top Quote The fundraising event, supporting The City Center bridging program, will be held on April 30th 2022. End Quote
  • Ventura, CA (1888PressRelease) April 19, 2022 - Lisa West and her husband, David Jaffe, are hosting a small dinner party for 300 at their home in Ventura. The gala will support The City Center bridging program - a 100% successful program steeped in tough goal setting for families and single parents with children (under 12). Lives are transformed at the recycled motel on Thompson Ave, with tiny rooms, a communal kitchen, and a full range of supports including, mental health counseling, financial counseling, and faith-based training. It is a true success story for families who were previously living in cars or were unhoused. As a result, in the past seven years, 272 people have triumphed and returned to self-sufficiency free from government support – with none returning to being unhoused. This is a program that sticks.

    The party will be benefiting The City Center to celebrate the accomplishments and successes they have achieved and to raise funds for 2022. "We provide a solid program of attainment in the two years that families can stay at the City Center, but our residents want and need their lives to change and so put in the hard work. They put in the time, they pull themselves up through positive training, and most importantly, by following our successful The City Center Program. Proud is not a strong enough word for what the board and I feel for these victories we will celebrate at the upcoming event" said Jim Duran, Executive Director of The City Center and Tender Life Maternity Home, a program for homeless mom's and babies. "Lisa West and David Jaffe are amazing and we are so grateful that they are allowing us to use their home for this event and also for their unfailing support for The City Center Families."

    "David & I are delighted to support the amazing work that The City Center does, no child should be homeless, ever. Small children who would be on the streets or isolated without family are able to stay together at The City Center and learn the skills to become self-sufficient and thrive - changing these children's lives forever" said Lisa West.

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