United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Partners Karmayuga Campaign to confer UNV Karmaveer Chakra: National Medallion for proactive Volunteer Action

KARMAYUGA- The Right every Wrong Generation - a tribute to volunteerism is being launched for very first time in the country under the umbrella of CtrlS-iCONGO Karmaveer Puraskaar - the most coveted global awards for social justice and citizen action.
- (1888PressRelease) September 23, 2011 - New Delhi: On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of International Year of Volunteers, United Nations Volunteers (UNV) India - a nodal UN agency, is all set to unfold a new chapter by partnering with Karmayuga campaign, launched by International Confederation of NGOs (iCONGO) and VSO India, to confer UNV Karmaveer Chakra.
KARMAYUGA- The Right every Wrong Generation - a tribute to volunteerism is being launched for very first time in the country under the umbrella of CtrlS-iCONGO Karmaveer Puraskaar - the most coveted global awards for social justice and citizen action. It is a movement to bring together and recognize citizen volunteers/ uncommon & unsung heroes who, through their focused action, are trying to Lead the society towards a better tomorrow.
You can log on to www.undp.org.in/unv or www.karmaveer.com to apply for Karmayuga Chakra.
With "Karamyuga" no one needs to join any NGO or give any money, clothes or newspapers or do anything for any charity. The idea is to create involvement for social impact. All one needs to do is small things with big commitment & "involvement" to address wrong in the society, nation and the world we live in. We need to perform our fundamental duties and fulfill our responsibilities as good citizens and humans. We believe that when all citizens start doing small small things in their own space and time then we shall also be able to achieve the Millennium Development Goals set by the UN.
Sharing the details of UNV Karmaveer Chakra, Ms. Amita Dahiya, United Nations Volunteers said, "UNV Karmaveer Chakra is an endeavor to promote volunteerism and acknowledge exemplary voluntary actions by recognizing the invaluable role played by volunteers towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals."
In the words of Mr. Jeroninio Almeida (iCONGO)- Karmayuga movement is a tribute to acknowledge, reward and highlight the work of volunteers across length and breadth of the country, who have contributed their time with innovative ideas, freewill, commitment, active engagement and solidarity for socio-economic causes. We salute and showcase the extraordinary & inspiring work done by ordinary mortals & citizens in their own space & time, to RIGHT a WRONG that they see around them. We believe that when all this energy of "Individual Social Responsibility" comes together, then we shall "Together as ONE RIGHT every WRONG".
We usually talk about our rights but as citizens of this country we have responsibilities as well. By becoming a part of Karmyuga it will be an excellent opportunity for citizens to engage and address the problems of social and economic inequity that surrounds them. Volunteering is a powerful instrument to promote inclusive development through active civic engagement. Be a "Karmyuga participant" - this is an opportunity to be a part of a social movement and make a difference - your efforts do matter and can improve the prospects of people, communities and Indian society as a whole says Rakhi Sarkar, Country Director - VSO India.
The awardees shall receive a citation and UNV Karmaveer Chakra that symbolizes volunteerism, solidarity, peace and development.
UN General Assembly proclaimed 2001 as the International Year of Volunteers (IYV) and designated the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme as the international focal point. The year 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers (IYV+10). This celebration of volunteerism provides an opportunity to engage the will, the positive energy and the innovation of millions of people towards realizing the Millennium Development Goals, achieving sustainable development, and creating an enabling environment for citizen engagement. IYV+10 will be marked by celebrations and activities on a global, regional and national level by volunteer involving organizations, Governments, UN agencies, Foundations and other Stakeholders.