Uniforms Manufacturing, Inc Offers $25,000,000 Worth Of Credits To Cook County Illinois Residents

Top Quote Uniforms Manufacturing is offerering every resident of Cook County IL a $5 credit for orders placed on UMIdirect.com and FortifiedWorkwear.com . End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) October 07, 2010 - Scottsdale, AZ - Cook County Illinois rejected a bid from Uniforms Manufacturing Inc because they are located in Scottsdale, AZ.

    Cook County requested quotes for contract 10-84-29. The items were to be used for clothing residents of the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center of Cook County. Even though the bid from Uniforms Manufacturing was $25,000 lower than the nearest competitor the bid was rejected because their headquarters are in Scottsdale Arizona. On June 1, 2010 the county commissioners passed resolution 10-R-202 banning business with Arizona companies except "where there is no significant additional cost to the county".

    Uniforms Manufacturing Inc released the following statement, "While he haven't done polls of the residents of Cook County Illinois we believe that most of those residents feel that $25,000 is a significant amount of money. Since their elected officials don't feel any sense of fiduciary responsibility to their constituents we will offer a one time $5 discount to any resident of Cook County Illinois who places and order on one of our websites (UMIdirect.com or FortifiedWorkwear.com) in the month of October."

    Bob Wilcox, Director of Marketing
    7575 E Redfield Rd #131
    Scottsdale, AZ 85260
    Phone: 800-222-1474 Ext 101
    Bob ( @ ) umidirect dot com

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