UAE Minister Of Environment Launches Emirates Appreciation Prize For The Environment

Top Quote AED 1 million award instituted on the directives of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to raise environmental awareness across all spectrums of Emirati society. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) September 16, 2011 - In line with the directives laid down by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, the UAE Minister of Environment and Water, Dr. Rashid Ahmad bin Fahd, in co-operation with the Higher Committee of the Zayed International Prize for the Environment, announced the establishment of the Emirates Appreciation Prize for the Environment yesterday (Thursday, Sept. 15).

    The Award, which is worth AED 1 million in prize money, has been established with the aim of stimulating environmentally conscious initiatives among the larger community including corporate, government institutions and individuals. Designed to promote the values of sustainable development and innovation among the local community, the Prize will recognize outstanding efforts in the field of energy and environmental conservation across all spectrums of society. It will support and encourage individual and collective national environmental initiatives that will contribute to the sustainability of natural resources and energy. It will highlight the efforts of industrial and service enterprises which are committed to environmental standards and contribute toward the promotion of a culture of environmental awareness among members of society.

    Announcing the establishment of the award, the Minister elaborated that the awards will be classified into the following categories:

    1. Environmental Personality prize (AED 200,000).
    2. Institutional prize For Industry (AED 200,000).
    3. Institutional prize for Education (AED 200,000).
    4. Innovation and environmental research Prize (AED 200,000).
    5. Media and environmental awareness Prize (AED 200,000).

    The prize will be awarded every two years at a special honoring ceremony. The Higher Committee shall determine the dates for nominations for each session of the award in sufficient time and announce it through every means available.
    Rules for the nomination for the award
    I. The Award is open for Nomination of individuals Institutions, companies, Governement organizations, and civil society organizations that have achieved significantly in the field of environment.
    II. Nominations should clearly highlight the excellence of achievements and demonstrate the direct involvement of the nominee in these achievements.
    III. Nomination must be by using a special nomination form developed by the Higher Committee for this purpose.

    General requirements for nomination

    1. The nomination form must be accompanied by all the documents supporting the nomination, the candidates shall provide the Committee with any additional documents requested in the time frames specified.

    2. Candidates must be committed to facilitate the work of the Committee and allow it to conduct field visits for validation of data and information mentioned in the nomination form and documents when it deems appropriate.

    3. No obligation to the award to restitute material submitted for nomination

    Terms for Individual Award
    1) The candidate must be a citizen of the UAE.
    The candidate must have spent at least ten years in the field of environmental work.
    He/she has outstanding contribution in the local, regional or international community related to the environment.
    2) The nomination is supported by the following:
    A - Documents that highlight the contributions of the candidate.
    B - A summary of the biography illustrating the achievements and outstanding contributions in the field of environment.

    Terms for Institutional prize For Industry

    1 - The institution must have achievements of environmental excellence in UAE.
    2 - It must have a commitment to environmental standards.
    3 - The institution must be engaged in activity within UAE for at least five consecutive years.

    Terms of Institutional prize for Education
    1 - The Foundation of applications for environmental sustainability.
    2 - The Foundation of the programs or activities that reinforce the concept of environmental sustainability.
    3 - The institution engaged in activity for at least five consecutive years.

    Terms for Innovation and environmental research Prize

    1 - Invention, innovation or research has been applied, applicable or has clear environmental returns.
    2 - Innovation, invention or research must contribute to solving an environmental problem or problems or conservation of natural resources and energy.

    Terms of Media and environmental awareness Prize

    1 - Prize includes media and survey programs.

    2 - The work should be innovative, taking into account intellectual property rights.
    3 - Winner approval to publish the submitted work on award-website.

    The Higher Committee of the Zayed International Prize for the Environment declared that nominations for the Inaugural Prize will be accepted from across all the emirates starting today and until the end of December 2011 which will be the last date for receipt of nominations for the First Cycle.

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