U.S. Olympian Trish Porter Topmiller Promotes Her Book - King Here

U.S. Olympian Trish Porter Topmiller is pleased to announce the promotion of her book, King Here: Never Too OLD, Too RICH or Too ANYTHING to Meet Jesus. It is an eye-opening true story of God’s unfolding plan to bring a rich man through the “eye of the needle”.
- (1888PressRelease) April 23, 2020 - Trusting God and sharing Jesus with aging parents can be difficult. As Trish watched her father’s casket be lowered into the ground, she knew the complicated jigsaw puzzle of his life finally held the missing piece—Jesus. But for years his life seemed as far away from grace, and a believing faith in God, as a person can be. A multimillionaire entrepreneur who believed his financial fortress was invincible. He turned into a workaholic, adrenal junkie—and ultimate opioid statistic who had given up on life. Even then, grace found him. King Here is the eye-opening true story of God’s unfolding plan to bring a rich man through the “eye of the needle”.
For the ones who seem:
Too old - Too rich - Too addicted
Too hardened by life’s “slings and arrows”
Too cynical - Too anything
King Here offers hope that no matter how old, how rich or how addicted someone is, it’s never too late to meet Jesus. In this moving tribute to her father, Trish encourages readers to never give up on loved ones who seem “too far gone” for God to reach.
Book Details:
King Here
Never Too OLD, Too RICH or Too ANYTHING to Meet Jesus
By Trish Porter Topmiller
Publisher: Morgan James Faith
ISBN: 978-1642791198
Pages: 166
Genre: Christianity, Christian Living, Self-Help
About the Author:
Trish Porter Topmiller is a 1988 U.S. Olympian in the high jump, former world record holder for women ages 40-44, and multiple times U.S. and World Masters Champion.
She is the award-winning author of her second book King Here: Never Too OLD, Too RICH or Too ANYTHING to Meet Jesus.
She is a speaker, guest on radio and television programs, and has been the subject of interviews in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Family Life Radio and more.
She volunteers at Mary's Home, helps lead a huddle for Fellowship of Christian Athletes, attends Woodmen Valley Chapel in Colorado Springs and Sagebrush Church in Albuquerque, NM.
Trish lost her husband of 20 years (Pat Porter, two-time U.S. Olympian) and son Connor (15 years old, U.S. National Fencing medalist) in a plane accident in 2012, and lost her father to an addiction-induced suicide.
Website: http://www.TrishPorterTopmiller.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrishTopmiller
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/patricia.porter.376
Promo Link: http://bookbuzz.net/blog/christian-living-king-here-never-too-old-too-rich-or-too-anything-to-meet-jesus/
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