At an age when most people would be collecting social security checks or cruising Costco for Centrum, confined to wheel chairs, pushing a transfusion tree, bed bound or in nursing homes, Judy was inducted at Atlanta, Georgia's new, "COLLEGE FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME", recognized by the United States Department of Defense, as the "Greatest Female Athlete on the Planet".
There is a big battle going on with YouTube vs. indie labels. YouTube says music from indie labels are being taken off YouTube unless indies sign an agreement that is unfavorable to indies. indies account for a 32.6% market share of the recorded music industry's sales and streams. So 1/3 of all YouTube songs may disappear now - instead of the announced 10% = huge loss in visitors!
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The dominant dynamic is one of convergence, as the new tools for content distribution, centered in Silicon Valley, now will find enormous economic value. Now investors are Having the opportunity to be the first to support a bona-fide creative, tech fueled Silicon Valley entertainment asset.
Already a one-stop entertainment destination /social media company, U boomer U TV is looking to build out its infrastructure and is looking to be acquired by Yahoo and others who have money to burn. A pre-money valuation has placed the three tiered site at $125 million.
Judy Myers Turner, CEO and Founder of U Boomer U TV and Conjoined Sister Sites, social network U boomer U and U boomer U TV/Music has VC's and Merger and Acquisition Execs Salivating.