Two more top Professionals join Consumer Goods Club (CGC) as new Expert Bloggers

Top Quote Consumer Goods Club (CGC), the leading business network for the consumer and retailing goods industries, today announced the arrival of another two excellent business professionals as new CGC Guest Bloggers. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) December 14, 2011 - Frankfurt - Andreas von der Heydt, CGCīs founder said: "We are extremely pleased welcoming Dr. Katrin Loehnig and Rahul Sharma. It is very exciting that these two highly respected managers are joining CGCīs team of superb business bloggers." Andreas continued: "Katrin is a consultant with A.C. Nielsen. She has a PhD in social psychology with focus on consumer research and graduated in business administration. She will bring a wealth of experience in strategy consulting, market analysis, consumer research, marketing and brand management to our team." Katrinīs CGC blog "Inside the Insights" will carefully examine market developments and consumer trends (current, latent and future consumer demand) in order to support strategic discussions and decisions for CGCīs members.

    "Rahul, currently managing director of Neev Capital, has over sixteen years of experience as a global consumer fund manager at top tier fund managers including Citigroup and Alliance Bernstein. He is a regular commentator in media including CNBC, BBC and Wall Street Journal" Andreas introduced Rahul Sharma. In his blog "Brands without Borders" Rahul will apply in a practical and stimulating fashion his "Globality" concept - A concept based on the belief that the world is connected in more ways than it is commonly perceived. There is much to learn as companies face off against each other in different geographies and benefits to gain from studying and applying the experience of one region or company to another. Rahul aims in his CGC blog to identify trends, derive insights and drive debate.

    About Consumer Goods Club
    CONSUMER GOODS CLUB (CGC) was founded on the business network Xing in December 2008 (in February 2010 the groupīs site was also established on Linkedin). In April 2010 the club launched its own online portal and community site ( which offers an excellent networking and information environment.
    CGC is a global meeting, networking and exchange community of and for people working in and being passionate about the world of consumer goods, retailing, wholesale and related service industries. Its members are coming from all functional areas and all management levels. It is an independent, international and free to join club. CGC is online AND face-to-face. Itīs based on respect, trust, sharing and the power of personal relationships. The club has currently more than 21,000 members from all over the world and is growing very strongly.

    Press Contact
    CGC PR Department
    pr_department ( @ ) consumergoodsclub dot com

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