TURAN SAHINKAYA has joined the board of directors of ReputationDesigner.com, bringing more than twenty years of experience in the technology industry. Turan Sahinkaya has experience in business technology, telecom, internet and marketing and comes with the opinion that people have the right to control and protect their reputation and privacy.
Turan Sahinkaya notes, "Energy control implies reduction in energy consumption while producing work over a planned schedule subjected to physical and regulatory constraints."
Turan Sahinkaya has been appointed the new Lead Product Marketing Manager of AT&T Global Mobile Management. Global Mobile Management is responsible for leading the deployment and implementation of pricing for Global Managed Mobility (GMM) offers.
Turan Sahinkaya earned the highly prestigious company-wide AT&T Global Award of Distinction for a sales tool innovation that resulted in cost savings of $1,000,000 to the company.
This highly prestigious award given to Lori Sahinkaya, wife of Turan Sahinkaya, is given to leaders in business, education, community service, health care and the non-profit sector.