Tuesday April 5 is Election Day in Morton Grove - Please Vote

Morton Grove's Local Municipal Elections are on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 throughout the village. Besides four seats on the Morton Grove Public Library Board, candidates are also running for seats on the Village, Park District and various School Boards in Morton Grove (both in Niles and Maine Townships).
- Chicago, IL (1888PressRelease) April 04, 2011 - Voting in Morton Grove's Municipal Election takes place on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 from 6am to 7pm. Besides races for Village Trustee, Park Board and various School Boards; Morton Grove's Library Board will elect three Trustees for full terms along with another for a two-year term to fill a vacancy on the Board.
There are 17 voting precincts in the village voting at 13 locations throught both Niles and Maine Township locations. For information about candidates, sample ballots, voting locations and other election issues; can contact the Cook County Clerk's Office at 312.603.0906 (69 West Washington Street, S.500 Chicago, IL 60602) or visit their website at http://www.cookcountyclerk.com/elections/Pages/default.aspx.
B-PAC clearly states they are not affiliated with any political party. It is made up of four people, Paul Berg, Catherine Peters, Mark Albers and Dr. David Calimag, and is named for the first letters of their last names. B-PAC' s stated beliefs are Books, People, Accountability and Credibility make up the ideas behind a good library and B-PAC also means that Better People Are Coming. To learn more about B-PAC or the issues in the election of Library Board Trustee, visit their website at www.b-pac.org.
The members of B-PAC encourage every voter in Morton Grove to participate in selecting the people who will be responsible for all levels of local government by taking the time to vote on Tuesday, April 5 (from 6am to 7pm).
CONTACT 773-599-BPAC (2722) or betterpeoplearecoming ( @ ) gmail dot com for more information about B-PAC, their candidates or the election for Morton Grove Library Board Trustees.
Contact Information
- Mark Albers
- B-pac
- 6630 West Davis Street
Morton Grove, IL 60053
- 60053
- Voice: 773-599-2722
- Visit our Site