Trust Research Advisory launches competitive intelligence tool

Top Quote Trust Research Advisory, takes pride to announce the launch of the Competitive Intelligence ReportTM today. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) March 15, 2012 - Trust Research Advisory, a research company dedicated to deciphering brands scientifically, launched the Competitive Intelligence ReportTM today. The business critical tool draws data from primary research and helps a brand reflect on its behavioural attributes, and also know the competition's tangible and intangible traits. The report brings up competitive intelligence from data mined from the Brand Trust Report's (BTR) primary research based on TRA's 61-component Brand Trust MatrixTM. The BTR study generated 2 million datapoints from 15 Indian cities and this fieldwork was done between July and October of 2011.

    The competitive report is available for 94 different categories and sub-categories, and has 17000 brands that can be compared.
    N. Chandramouli, CEO, Trust Research Advisory elaborated on the usefulness of this report and said, "Sun Tsu, the great military strategist is quoted saying, If you know yourself and you know your enemies, you have already won the battle. That, in essence, is the Competitive Intelligence Report. In today's knowledge driven world, this simple statement can mean the difference between obsolescence and rapid growth. The Competitive Intelligence ReportTM provides 'invisible insights' - the type of insights that are normally not visible even about one's own brand let alone the competition. Such insight lets the brand maneuvering allocating resources optimally."

    The CI report compares brands 30 different tangible and intangible attributes on 3 fundamental levels. It is a tool that assists marketing strategy direction as it has insight based recommendations on attributes which the brand should focus the communication on, and those that it should focus its action on.

    "Today's market environment presents an enormous challenge, and this challenge is of allocating resources intelligently in a highly competitive and ruthless market. Competitive Intelligence ReportTM makes this possible, and gives marketers the extra edge they need since it is based on a comprehensive primary research on a extremely robust platform of Brand TrustTM. It gives the critical inputs that help create sharp strategy", added Chandramouli.

    The basic version of the Competitive Intelligence ReportTM is priced at Rs. 100,000 (Rupees One Lakh only) for a comparison of any two brands. An additional Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) is charged for any subsequent brand comparison addition.

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