Thomas M. Conte Voted 2014 IEEE Computer Society President-Elect

Thomas M. Conte, first vice president for Publications and professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology.
- (1888PressRelease) October 17, 2013 - LOS ALAMITOS, Calif. - Thomas M. Conte, first vice president for Publications and professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, has been voted IEEE Computer Society 2014 president-elect.
Conte, who will serve as 2015 president, garnered 4,035 votes, compared with 2,418 cast for Roger Fujii, 2013-2014 IEEE Division VIII Director and President, Fujii Systems. The president oversees IEEE-CS programs and operations and is a nonvoting member of most IEEE-CS program boards and committees. Of the 6,526 ballots cast with an 11.56 percent turnout, 6,350 were submitted online and 175 by mail.
In balloting for first vice president, Elizabeth (Liz) Burd, Second Vice President, Member and Geographic Activities, professor and Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of Newcastle, Australia, garnered 4,909 votes, compared with 1,542 cast for Paul Croll, vice president for Technical and Conference Activities and a retired Fellow at CSC.
James W. Moore, 2012-2013 IEEE Division V Director, who recently retired from the MITRE Corporation, was elected second vice president, with 3,789 votes, compared with 2,546 cast for Charlene ("Chuck") Walrad, vice president for Standards Activities.
The seven highest vote-getters for the 2014-2016 terms on the Board of Governors were:
*Christina M. Schober, a Honeywell staff engineer and IEEE-CS Vice Treasurer and former Board of Governors member (3,706 votes);
* Jill I. Gostin, senior research scientist at the Georgia Tech Research Institute, IEEE Atlanta Section Chair, and IEEE-CS Atlanta Chapter Chair (3,523 votes);
* David Bader, a professor in Georgia Institute of Technology's School of Computational Science and Engineering and executive director of High-Performance Computing, and Chair of the IEEE-CS Transactions Operations Committee and 2012 Awards Committee (3,482 votes);
* Dennis Frailey, adjunct computer science and engineering professor at Southern Methodist University, and a retired Raytheon principal fellow; and an IEEE-CS Board of Governors member and Educational Activities Board Vice Chair (3,218 votes);
* Rob Reilly, IEEE-CS Awards Committee member and MGA Vice Chair of Awards and Recognition (3,094 votes);
* Pierre Bourque, a professor at l'École de technologie supérieure of the Université du Québec, and an IEEE-CS Board of Governors member and lead editor of Version 3 of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) (3,049 votes); and
* Atsuhiro Goto, professor at the Institute of Information Security's Graduate School of Information Security, and member of the IEEE-CS Board of Governors and Audit Committee (2,886 votes).
Results for other Board of Governors candidates were:
* Harold Javid, Director of Regional Programs at Microsoft Research and IEEE-CS Board of Governors member and past Industry Advisory Board chair (2,881 votes).
* Paolo Montuschi, a computer engineering professor at Politecnico di Torino and IEEE-CS Board of Governors member and Magazine Operations Committee Chair (2,793 votes).
Cheng-Chung (William) Chu, a computer science professor and R&D office dean and director of Software Engineering and Technologies Center at Tunghai University (2,503 votes).
* Aditya Rao, Senior Development Manager at Oracle and IEEE-CS Vice Chair of Membership Development and former MGA R10 representative (2,431 votes).
* Jian Pei, a computer science professor at Simon Fraser University and Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering and the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing steering committee. (2,351 votes).
The seven candidates who received the most votes will assume seats on the board starting in January 2014. The 21 members serve rotating three-year terms in groups of seven.
Candidates on the ballot are selected by the IEEE-CS Nominations Committee or by petition. The Nominations Committee accepts nominations from members until April of the current year and presents their nominations to the Board of Governors for final slate approval.
Results will also be published in the December issue of Computer.
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