ThinIdentity Changes Its Name to Aventura

Want your EMR to live up to the promises in the owners manual - Aventura will show you how. We can squeeze sub-5 second log in times out of any EMR and your other applications.
- Ames, IA (1888PressRelease) February 06, 2011 - According to Aventura's CEO, Howard Diamond, "We have brilliant technology but we were going to market with one hand tied behind our back because we were offering it as a hardware-specific solution. We are basically unlocking the software genius of our approach and making it work for hospitals regardless of what kind of hardware or EMR they have."
So where does the new name come from? Diamond says, "Doctors and nurses sign up for an incredible adventure: think about all the responsibility, the dangers, the science, the creativity. But we are forcing them to spend way too much time struggling with computers. Our mission is to give them back their time-to work with patients and to think critically about patient care. In short, to get them back to the adventure they signed up for.
"We deliberately chose a name that feels more romantic and less high tech because we think the real heroes are the doctors and nurses on the front lines. And we're happy to say that everyone loves it."
Aventura is a Denver, Colorado, software company that works exclusively with hospitals to make their enormous investment in EMRs deliver Meaningful Use at the point of care. The Aventura Architecture is a hardware and software agnostic solution that enables five second logins and immediate log offs so clinicians can spend more time working with patients and less time wrestling with computers. Hospitals use Aventura to deliver context-sensitive desktops that keep patient data safe and always know where to print.