The Economy is Busy and Booming Online, Detroit Speaker Hopes to Close Digital Divide for Non-Profits in Urban Areas

Pam Perry, PR Coach, Helps Churches, Businesses, and Non-Profit Organizations get Social Media Swag at After Christ Christian Center's Recent Economic Empowerment Conference.
- (1888PressRelease) November 07, 2012 - Visiting a library for information is going the way of the dinosaur. And, a Yellow Pages book is as hard to locate as a payphone.
Today, social media is the way most find information about churches, businesses, and organizations. But, it takes knowledgeable expertise to make it work affectively. That's why Pam Perry, PR coach, offers to help with Social Media Swag. Perry has more than two decades of marketing experience and has remained on top of the industry's ever-changing tide.
During her recent Social Media Swag presentation at After Christ Christian Center (ACCC), Perry shared gold nuggets of social media wisdom that have taken some of her clients from unknown to well-known and others from well-known to extraordinary
"You have to continue to do marketing," said Perry at the Economic Empowerment Conference in Detroit. "The minute you stop, I guarantee will be the minute (prospective clients) will come looking for you and they can't find you."
So to gain, and maintain, a presence on the the first page of search engines, like Google, Perry shared a strategic social media plan. One of the important first steps is to build a content hub, a useful, engaging, and regularly updated website/blog. This inbound marketing plan also includes other social media networks like Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Metacafe, and SlideShare that should all lead back to the main website/blog.
George Adams, Jr., pastor of ACCC, became one of Perry's clients this summer. He said more people are already beginning to learn of his church's ministry through the techniques she uses. He also said her recent presentation was, "awesome, enlightening, and thorough."
"(Perry) took her time and went through everything and brought clarity," Adams said. "We've been working with her since August and we're seeing the fruit of our labor. We've streamlined our social media…making everything user friendly. She is leading us in the right direction, and we look forward to more and better things through her."
The recent presentation was a much-needed refresher for Jacquie Lewis-Kemp. The health coach/author has been one of Perry's clients since 2008.
"(Perry) has said some of these things to me before, but I don't always remember them," Lewis-Kemp said. "So, revisiting her seminars regularly reminds me of what I have done and what I still need to do. I'm taking a class with someone else on health coaching, and when we discuss marketing I am head and shoulders above the rest of the class. That's how I know I'm learning from Pam. She is full of so much information."
To download free SEO website report, go to or contact Perry to set up a Strategy Session at (248) 690-6810.