The Best-Selling Author of Pearls of Wisdom has Done it AGAIN! JACOB'S LADDER channelled from Spirit by JACQUELINE TROUGHTON

The book is set in the year 1888. Mary Simpson is a forward thinking, highly educated young lady who inherits a fortune and an estate. She's a loving, compassionate person with a vision for helping destitute families. Mary treats all her servants as equals and considers them her friends - unheard of at that time. She brings together a nucleus of people who are unemployed and builds a community.
- (1888PressRelease) February 15, 2015 - Jacqueline Troughton has touched many hearts and souls through her ability to successfully channel divine healing energy. She is also a peacemaker and it is her desire to see people living in harmony, to heal and to open their heart. She hopes her book will uplift, inspire and energize their soul. Spirit have giving her these words to use, to present this story so that people worldwide will be encouraged to re-think their values and reach for peaceful means of living and working together. Jacqueline tries to live in the present moment and is keen to encourage others to do the same.
It was natural for the heroine of her book to have the same healing ability as Jacqueline and for the characters to exemplify how this is done.
Alfaz del Pi, Spain - Jacqueline Troughton is not just an amazing healer, is not just a best-selling author, she also holds B.A., M.A. Degrees in child psychology! She has had long career as a head teacher at a school for maladjusted and disruptive children. Her interest in spiritualism led her to be joint founder of a Spiritualist church in her home town and continued with her successfully leading that church as president for many years.
Jacob's Ladder is more than a book. It is counselling in a book. Join with Jacqueline and the characters in her story: - share their joys, celebrate their successes, and mourn with them in their grief. And don't forget the tissues, as each and everyone of the characters will touch your heart in many ways. Words cannot describe the beauty and wonder that answers so many questions from the depths of your soul. Purchases the book and discover for yourself the wonders of living in the present , in the NOW!
Anyone who seeks serenity MUST purchase and read this heart-warming journey to peace and contentment. This book can be given to all members of your family, friends and teachers, or that nice person that helped you the other day.
She has published two other books: -
a book of Spiritual poems entitled 'Pearls of Wisdom',
and a book of uplifting readings called 'I Believe.'