Taking Shamanism Out of the Box with Sandra Ingerman on December 17 "Why Shamanism Now?" Radio Show

Top Quote On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", teacher, author and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks to internationally acclaimed shaman Sandra Ingerman about using shamanism in non-typical ways to affect global healing. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) December 09, 2013 - Streaming live on the Co-Creator Radio Network on Tuesday, December 17, at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern on "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity," shaman and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks to guest Sandra Ingerman, a world-renowned author and much loved teacher of shamanism, who advises listeners: "This is a good time to settle into yourself and go beyond the surface of your spiritual practices."

    In this episode of "Why Shamanism Now?" titled "Taking Shamanism Out of the Box," Pratt and Ingerman explore the need to take our shamanic practice out of the contemporary box we have put it in, keeping us from our full power and potential. Ingerman notes, "It is time for all us to stand up and do our spiritual work to shift our own consciousness and perception. It is time for us to stand up together as a global community so that we can create exponential change, which leads to healing for the earth and all of life."

    Ingerman talks to Pratt as part of a series of "Why Shamanism Now?" interviews sponsored by the Society of Shamanic Practitioners. Throughout this series, Pratt explores how contemporary shamans are meeting the challenge of their world where the relations of things-the living and the dead, the humans and nature, and the technological world and the spirit world-are profoundly out of balance. It is the ancient role of the shaman in all cultures to tend the balance of things, and the question is asked: how are these shamans meeting this extraordinary need today?

    Christina Pratt is a contemporary shaman specializing in mending the soul and transforming the parts of life that feel impossible. A teacher of exceptional clarity, humor, and inspiration, Pratt brings the power of shamanism into the practical grasp of anyone willing to take responsibility for improving the quality of their life. Her book An Encyclopedia of Shamanism clearly discusses the basic concepts of shamanism, methods, and traditions of over 50 different shamanic peoples. Pratt is the founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, creator of the original Foundations of Shamanism and Shamanic Healing course at the University of Minnesota, and a frequent and honored speaker for the American Holistic Medical Association.

    Sandra Ingerman, MA, is a world-renowned author and teacher of shamanism. She is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture in ways that address the needs of our times. A licensed therapist, Ingerman is the author of Soul Retrieval, Medicine for the Earth: How To Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins; Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner's Guide; How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple Tools for Personal Transformation; and many other popular books on the contemporary practice of shamanism and shamanic healing. Ingerman's audio lecture programs "The Beginner's Guide to Shamanic Journeying", "The Soul Retrieval Journey", and "Miracles for the Earth" lecture programs, produced by Sounds True, can be accessed on her website, www.sandraingerman.com, as well as numerous other articles written by Ingerman and her monthly column The Transmutation News.

    "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity", a live internet talk radio show with host Christina Pratt, airs Tuesdays at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern time on co-creatornetwork.com/hosts/shamanism/host_bio.htm. Each week host Christina Pratt and guests explore the practical application of shamanic skills in our contemporary lives to create robust well-being, strong and clear community connections, and life enriching spiritual maturity. Listeners can ask questions by calling 512-772-1938 or via Skype. Prior episodes from "Why Shamanism Now" can be downloaded for free by visiting whyshamanismnow.com. Pratt also talks about Shamanic Healing on YouTube.

    Upcoming Last Mask Center programs with Christina Pratt in Portland, OR, include Shamanic Journey Circles the third Wednesday of every month, monthly Wisdom of the Shaman talks and a monthly "Becoming a Person of Power" teleseminar series. Pratt will also be offering Actual Energy Clearing in Rowe, MA, January 10-12. For more information on Christina Pratt, the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing, and workshops and classes with Pratt, or to order An Encyclopedia of Shamanism at a special discounted rate, visit www.lastmaskcenter.org. For additional information or to arrange an interview with Pratt, please contact Linda Woznicki, 845-417-8811, marketing ( @ ) lastmaskcenter dot org.

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