Successful International Conference on ETICS External Thermal Insulation Composite System with EPS insulation in Vienna

120 participants attended the international conference On March 18 and 19 2013 in the Vienna Imperial Riding School Hotel on External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) organised by EUMEPS, the European Association of Manufacturers of EPS insulation.
- (1888PressRelease) April 05, 2013 - Maaseik, Belgium, - 120 participants attended the international conference On March 18 and 19th 2013, in Vienna on External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS). Users, planners, architects and real estate developers from 20 countries participated in the meeting of international experts in the Vienna Imperial Riding School Hotel. In the meeting organised by EUMEPS, the European Association of Manufacturers of EPS insulation, the latest developments in the field of thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) with EPS insulation were discussed.
ETICS is one of the fastest growing facade constructions, playing a dominant role in realising energy efficiency in new buildings and existing buildings to be renovated. Some of the highlights are briefly described below.
Ralf Pasker (European Association for ETICS, EAE) in his presentation on the market development of ETICS indicated that in Europe approximately 2 billion m2 of ETICS are installed, 85% of them with EPS insulation.
Ingolf Kotthoff (IBF engineering company for fire protection of facades) received positive response on his presentation about fire protection of ETICS. In his more than10 years of research and testing activities for the MFPA Leipzig he scientifically explored the fire behaviour of facades in countless trials. He came to the conclusion: "There is no other construction method studied as extensively for different fire scenarios as ETICS with EPS. ETICS with EPS insulation, if properly carried out, poses no additional threat to fire safety. "
Clemens Demacsek (GPH, the Austrian EPS association) presented EPBD cost optimality calculations depending on the insulation values of the building envelope for single-family homes.
Ernst Heiduk (FH Kärnten) regarding the service life and maintenance of ETICS facades: these are mainly determined by quality of design, construction and maintenance, and less determined by the materials or the construction system."Any statement to the service life is difficult at the moment, because these systems are not there long enough. The first documented ETICS with EPS in Austria (MFA Bahnhofstr. 43, 6890 Lustenau) was built in 1966 and is still performing well. With appropriate design, processing and maintenance, a service life of 50 years or much longer is possible."
Rüdiger Lainer (Rüdiger Lainer + Partner) in his presentation showed the variety in architectural design using ETICS and explained this in connection with a project he designed, which was visited afterwards. Also a visit was made to Eurogate, the world largest Passive House settlement with 1.700 flats on 100.000 m², realised applying EPS ETICS facades.
All presentations are available for download at:
EUMEPS is the European association of the EPS industry. EUMEPS membership represents over 90% of the European manufacturing industry. The common interest between members is a belief that EPS is the most cost effective packaging and insulation material. For thermal insulation in construction, EPS offers long-term properties such as high insulation value, high compressive strength and moisture resistance. EPS is lightweight, versatile, easy and completely safe to work with, making it the ideal material in a wide range of applications. EPS has a key role in ensuring safe, comfortable and energy efficient buildings, whilst also contributing strongly to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emission. EPS comprises about 35 per cent of the total thermal insulation market in Europe and with over 55,000 people employed in the European EPS industry. The role of EUMEPS is to ensure that the advantages of EPS are brought to a larger audience. This is achieved by information sharing to enable an informed dialogue with stakeholders on a national and European level.
Contact :
E. Meuwissen
Weertersteenweg 158
Maaseik, Belgium
+32 89 756131
info ( @ ) eumeps dot org