Studio Fitness News: Now Introducing Zumba

Research has shown that ZUMBA burns up to 1000 calories an hour. ZUMBA Fitness is the quickest way to burn so many calories in such a short time!
- (1888PressRelease) January 11, 2012 - ZUMBA is a Latin based, cardio dance fitness workout designed for everyone. Any age.... Any background.....Any fitness level.... At Studio Fitness we invite you to come down and check out a class with your daughter/son. The program is a great work out that offers lots of laughing, dancing, and fun. You don't have to spend hours doing workout exercises at the gym. In a short space of time you burn a lot of calories by dancing to swinging music. ZUMBA is exercise in disguise. You can't really define ZUMBA, you have to experience it.
ZUMBA is a real "feel good" sensation and a fantastic core workout! ZUMBA uses moves during the workout that target the abs and back too. ZUMBA's effectiveness has been proven by an independent university. Research has shown that ZUMBA burns up to 1000 calories an hour. ZUMBA Fitness is the quickest way to burn so many calories in such a short time! ZUMBA's secret is a revolutionary training technique referred to as "Rhythm progression". With every swinging ZUMBA workout movement you work on your lower body, abdominal muscles, waist and upper body. And you burn fat in all three areas simultaneously. You burn fat and calories directly from the start.
The principle behind ZUMBA is incredibly simple: get fit, have fun. That's it. There are no complicated moves to learn and you don't need the co-ordination of a standard aerobics class - or the partner you'd require for a traditional salsa class. Best of all, the music is so infectious that you barely even notice that you are exercising.
"It's like being at a party," says instructor Louise Kjaer. "It's easy to follow so people don't have to think too much about what they're doing and can just have fun while exercising. Then, of course, the music is great and just makes you want to dance."
A standard one-hour class uses four basic rhythms based on simplified versions of salsa, merengue, cumbia and reggaeton.
"It's a cardio-based workout that also helps to sculpt and tone the body," explains Instructor Jessica Cater "It's a great way to lose weight, increase strength and co-ordination, and boost self-esteem and pure happiness."
Don't even try to resist: give in, get up ditch the workout and join the party. Studio Fitness, check out our timetable at and call to book your session 04 439 0403.