Statistics Map APIs Service Platform

Top Quote Department of Statistics, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan builds Statistics Map API Service Platform which integrates social and economic statistical data, and provides various map APIs to share with all public sectors for scientific applications. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) December 16, 2014 - Displaying statistical data on map extends GIS applications to more domains, as it is much easier and more informative for researchers to comprehend meanings of the data through its intuitive and geographic characteristics. However, developing a statistics map and publishing it on website is expensive, building database and corresponding to GIS computing functions.

    In view of this, Department of Statistics, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan sees the trend, and decides to build a service platform that integrates social and economic statistical data, and to provide various map API for local governments and institutions to apply to trim the cost of building statistics map websites.

    Utilizing SuperGIS Server 3.1a as the core system of the platform, developers can apply directly statistics map APIs in providing diverse functions for mapping statistical data and data parameters settings. Furthermore, a developer can utilize APIs to send the required statistical parameters; subsequently, the exclusive statistics map service will be received and displayed on the website.

    3 different types of statistical data are provided, front-side users can either select by target administrative districts, statistical area or institutions for their further applications. Various map and chart types, including choropleth, bar chart, pie chart, graduated symbol, line graph, and so on are ready to meet diverse demands.

    Statistics Map API Service Platform utilizes mass Cloud computing sources to assist users in applying statistical data and mapping statistics maps. With APIs, local governments can save time and reduce cost on building online map services, and elevate efficiency of policy making and public services.

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