
Silicon Valley's Own Presidential Candidate 2016 An Historical Challenge - Judy V Hillary

Top Quote A Serial Entrepreneur, Innovator, and Disrupter, Changes the 2016 Presidential Electoral Process Via Her Third Party. Judy Myers, launches 2016 PRESIDENTIAL EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE, says, "It's amazing how the U.S. went from the generation that won a world war to a generation of crybabies having nothing better to do than go after white cops, call everyone racists and burn historic, American flags. End Quote
    Quote and a third party named in copyright and IRS process, Quote
  • San Francisco, CA (1888PressRelease) July 22, 2015 - Judy goes on to say, "America is in a "Social Revolution" and it is now apparent that the Democratic, Republican, and "Tea-Parties" are no longer capable of guiding America. Nobody likes change, but it must start now, in the form of my Mandate, "The Rebirth of America" and a third party named in copyright and IRS process, "The United States Nationalist Party"

    The Rhinos are clueless, and don't care that 80 percent of the citizens wanting our country to stop being assaulted and yet are complicit in its destruction because It is all about power and what they get out of the deal, and have no honor and ignore their oath of office to protect and serve".

    Myers states, "I am only trying to protect the US economy, safety and welfare of the people. The American public has become sick of sell-out politicians, sick of people putting PC ahead of common sense and sick of the media controlling the narrative.

    Concurrently, I would focus on protecting America and its Military assets, while providing and caring for our Vets deserved benefits; Then on to Homeland/National Security/Foreign policy in an orchestrated manner, which will help to pay down our National Debt, aborting any possibility of becoming bankrupt.

    The first day in the White House,
    • Restore all the Generals who have been purged, with a public apology and bonuses
    • Close ALL our Borders NOW-ISIS IS HERE NOW
    • Send our National Guard to protect our Borders
    • Re-Arm our Military troops , immediately all over the world
    • Re-Arm our Police, immediately all over the United States
    • Cancel all our foreign aid to our enemies
    • Capital gains tax repeal
    • Estate tax repeal

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