Shehab Beram interview on The Matrix Green Pill Podcast

Top Quote Shehab Beram is a dynamic figure in the field of product management and entrepreneurship. Originally from Libya, Shehab's journey spans continents and industries, from Malaysia to the Middle East. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) June 20, 2024 - Shehab Beram, founder of Vision x, made his first appearance on The Matrix Green Pill Podcast, Episode 197

    Shehab Beram is a dynamic figure in the field of product management and entrepreneurship. Originally from Libya, Shehab's journey spans continents and industries, from Malaysia to the Middle East

    "If you don't enjoy doing your job, even after five pm, it's not the right role for you.", noted Sehab Beram.

    In this episode of the Matrix Green Pill podcast, Shehab shares his remarkable journey from Libya to Malaysia and then to the Middle East, detailing his early start in the tech industry and his transition into product management.

    Shehab discusses the inspiration behind his career shift, the importance of certifications, and the challenges he faced in stakeholder management. He emphasizes the significance of building personal relationships and offers insights into his entrepreneurial venture, VisionX, which aims to enhance the personal branding of product leaders.

    Hilmarie hutchison, podcast host said, "Hosting Shehab Beram on the Matrix Green Pill podcast was a truly enlightening experience. His journey and insights into product management, especially with the integration of AI, left us all inspired and ready to innovate."

    Listen to the episode here:

    About The Matrix Green Pill Podcast

    Each week we bring you stories that will inspire and motivate you. And possibly change you!

    We feature the fascinating journeys of real people – those impacting the lives of others, for good, including entrepreneurs and innovators who are influencing and shaping the future of our region. Each of them is unique in their own way.

    Our guests share their stories including their highs and lows, as well as their challenges and achievements.

    Through our conversations with our guests, they share their Green Pill Moment – that defining moment that changed their lives.

    So, tune in every Wednesday for engaging (and entertaining) conversations. Who knows, it might trigger a Green Pill Moment in your life.

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