Yola has become a compelling success story and has helped thousands of individuals and businesses build effective websites with its free website builder [link to http://www.yola.com]]. Now we'd like you to share this momentum with you.
(1888PressRelease) May 07, 2010 - We've created a customer success story feedback form where you can tell us about your own online success using Yola's website building tools. We'll publish these stories in our online marketing channels like the Yola blog [link to http://blog.yola.com], our Facebook fan page and Twitter. We'll also give your story exposure through our regular and far-reaching press releases.
In turn, you can use this coverage as a great selling tool with your own clients and to attract prospective customers. You get to leverage our online marketing presence to promote your own company, build extra credibility and boost your own online profile. And it's all for free.
To share your success story, simply access our easy customer story submission form [link to http://customerstories.yolasite.com] and start sharing the spotlight with us.