By helping to maintain cryogenic temperatures as low as -95°C, BellowsTech, LLC edge welded metal bellows have become a trusted, reliable solution for NASA cryogenic temperature chambers.
Of the three major metal bellows technologies, (electrodeposited, edge welded and hydroformed) edge welded bellows have the highest stroke length, reaching 90% of its free length.
ServometerŪ, manufacturer of electrodeposited bellows, precision electroforms, flexible shaft couplings, and gold-plated electrical contacts has launched a new website. In order to focus on the user, Servometer has redesigned the site to get visitors the information they require as quickly as possible and provide enough content to effectively design a component.
BellowsTech, LLC, a manufacturer of edge welded metal bellows, has launched a new website focused on the visitor. A new layout offers simple navigation to find the best product for visitor needs.