Say NO Bullying Festival to Unite Community to Stand Against Bullying, September 22

Top Quote The 9th Annual Say NO Bullying Festival will be held on September 22, 2024, at Griffith Park in Los Angeles. End Quote
  • Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA (1888PressRelease) August 12, 2024 - The 9th Annual Say NO Bullying Festival, an empowering event dedicated to raising awareness and combating bullying, is set to take place on Sunday, September 22, 2024, at Griffith Park, located at 4730 Crystal Springs Drive, in Los Angeles, from 1-4 pm. This impactful festival aims to create a safe and inclusive environment for all, particularly focusing on the youth, by offering a day filled with engaging activities, educational workshops, and inspiring speakers.

    Any student who RSVP and attends the festival will receive community service hours and a letter of recommendation upon request. The RSVP portal is now open at

    Mission and Impact
    The Say NO Bullying Festival is more than just an event; it's a movement to foster acceptance, kindness, and empowerment. Through interactive motivational talks, the festival seeks to equip individuals with the tools and confidence to stand up against bullying in all its forms.

    Festival Highlights
    Attendees can look forward to a variety of activities designed to educate and inspire, including:

    Inspirational Speakers: Talks by renowned anti-bullying advocates, mental health professionals, and individuals who have overcome bullying.

    Interactive Exhibits: Booths from local organizations providing resources and support.

    Family Activities: Fun and engaging activities for all ages to promote unity and understanding.

    Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects individuals of all ages, and the festival's mission is to create a community where everyone feels safe and valued by bringing people together to educate, empower, and enact change.

    Community members, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to join the Say NO Bullying Festival.

    For more information on attending, supporting, or sponsoring the event, please visit

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