EngieExpo 2024 is a premier platform that attracts over 500 companies from India and abroad, providing a unique opportunity to showcase the latest technological advancements in the engineering and manufacturing sectors.
SLTL Group presents Open House 2023 in Gandhinagar, India, from October 17th to 22nd, showcasing cutting-edge laser technology solutions. Attendees can explore state-of-the-art laser machines, witness live demonstrations, and engage with SLTL experts.
SLTL Group, a leading provider of laser solutions, is pleased to announce its participation in the 15th International Machine Tools Exhibition (ACMEE 2023) held in Chennai. The company will be showcasing its cutting-edge CNC metal laser cutting machine and marking machine Neo, which incorporate advanced features and IoT (Internet of Things) technology.
SLTL Group's presence at the event is highly anticipated, as it will unveil two ground breaking laser machines—the Prime laser cutting machine and the Neo laser welding machine.