Sacramento Near-Death Experience Meeting on May 13, 2019

Free, Monthly, and Open to the Public with Guest NDE Speakers.
- Sacramento, CA (1888PressRelease) May 11, 2019 - The monthly Sacramento Near-Death Experience (NDE) Meeting is a support and discussion group, and a local chapter of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (, continues on May 13, 2019, 7pm - 9pm, at 2791 24th Street, Room 10, Sacramento, CA 95818, located at the Sierra 2 Center for the Arts and Community. Admission is free and open to the public; but space is limited. So be sure to reserve your seat soon by contacting Sacramento IANDS Group Leader Michelle Kuret through the Sacramento NDE website at Donations are welcome; as much as your heart desires.
Barbara Jean LindseySacramento IANDS provides regular guest NDE speakers, many of whom are internationally well known. We provide a learning environment for sharing and discussing near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences (OBEs), and other spiritually transformative experiences (STEs). This month's speaker is Barbara Jean Lindsey who died right in front of a live audience in 1989 when her lungs collapsed, killing her on the spot. Her death experience begins there. And for the following few days, Barbara fought for her life on all planes – the physical, spiritual and beyond. On May 13th, Barbara joins the Sacramento IANDS Group to share the details of what happened to her during her death and return. Come listen to her share what it was like to be dead and to have to return to her body and re-acclimate to society afterwards.
The International Association for Near-Death Studies is an educational nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide the most reliable source of information in the field of near-death studies, and to serve as a common forum and community for experiencers and interested people of all walks of life, religions, and cultures. It is the only group of its kind in the world. The purpose of IANDS is to promote responsible, multi-disciplinary exploration of near-death and similar experiences, their effects on people’s lives, and their implications for beliefs about life, death, and human purpose. IANDS publishes a peer-reviewed scholarly journal and a member magazine, sponsors conferences and other events for near-death studies, maintains an NDE information-rich website, and encourages the formation of regional discussion and support groups just like the Sacramento IANDS Group. In short, IANDS has helped change the public perception of what it is like to die.