Rumi Music Healing Project One With The Beloved Has Now Launched

A groundbreaking Sufi-Inspired Music Project to heal and educate East-West Cultural Divides through Rumi's Universal Message of Peace.
- (1888PressRelease) June 08, 2017 - Rumi Music Project To Heal The Current East-West Cultural Crisis
Are you hopeful that we can choose a wiser path when it comes to our relationship with the Middle East? We invite you to be part of a greater vision that can positively impact lives, is timely, and can build community across estranged cultures through music and the arts.
A first-of-its-kind music-activism project to release a Sufi-inspired music album. Raising awareness through a worldwide music tour and workshop, press conferences, blogs, community forums and storytelling events. Led by Shervin Boloorian, the project bridges East-West cultural divides using world famous Persian poet, Rumi's universal message of peace. The album, recorded in Bali, is scheduled for public release in August/September 2017. The tour also starts in Europe in August and the project is split into three phases over three years.
Shervin Boloorian is a certified sound therapist, vocalist, Western-raised Iranian-born refugee, ex-Washington DC US-Iran peace movement advisor, and community relations activist.
Shervin has already led fundraising programs for local causes in Indonesia through an informal community service program known as the Bali Sound Healers Collective (BSHC). BSHC sound and music events for peace involve local artists and have already successfully raised money for Bali water rights, Bamboo reforestation, youth AIDS awareness among other Bali causes.
Shervin has hosted events in Bali and around the globe, touching the lives of thousands of people over the years with his Sufi Sound Healings, Spirit Nights, Sound Medicines (Tama-Do Sound Harmonization meditations) and Bowl meditations.
Middle-East Crisis
The current situation in the Middle East is edging toward its worst crisis point ever. This ongoing threat is fuelled by misguided world leaders who lack a broad enough perspective, long-term vision or innate understanding of how to achieve meaningful progress across communities. In the West, where I have spent most of my life, there is often the perception of violence, mistrust, and a deep lack of cultural compatibility when we think of countries like Iran for example, where I was born. The rhetoric and cultural divergence resembles that of the old US-Soviet gridlock.
This year, the US Executive branch succeeded in denying temporary access to certain families wishing to travel to their adopted homelands. What next? The ongoing stalemates and odd political alliances in the Middle East do little to diminish the looming and unthinkable threat of more military action; regardless of ruling party ideology in the US or Europe. Elsewhere, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria are experiencing ongoing military operations. Hardliners consolidate power in Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and in other Arab countries.
At home, huge budget waste from escalating military costs and ongoing refugee displacement caused by outdated Middle East policies put a financial strain on our domestic economy. Ongoing violence at home and discriminatory backlashes related to our questionable policies are now becoming common news items with ongoing threats and alerts becoming commonplace.
Never before has there been more need than now for an alternative, authentic and effective approach to a situation in which we desperately need to put a human face on a world that we have failed to understand at our peril.
Music Creates Hope
We all know that the arts – in particular music - have historically succeeded in raising awareness and educating people when institutions cannot. Take for example the peace movement during the Vietnam War, the concerts in the 80s opposing Apartheid in South Africa and LIVE AID's action against famine in Ethiopia. Later came the Singing Revolution in Estonia. Now, you can be part of a musical project that can finally speak to the humanity of the people in the Middle East, regardless of their faiths and nationalities.
New Music Peace Project: 'ONE WITH THE BELOVED' Album
Building on these precedents, I am inviting you today to invest in our groundbreaking Kickstarter Rumi-inspired music project. The centrepiece is the production, launch and subsequent tour of 'One with the Beloved': a brand new album of sacred songs, ancient mantras (Zikrs), original compositions and newly adapted traditional songs/ chants. These songs all contain the messages of friendship, compassion, unity, love and a common destiny-- all are in Persian or Arabic and created with a merging of Western and Eastern instruments and influences.
Most of these songs are drawn from the world's best-known Sufi writer, Rumi, who explores the mystical linkages between nature, divinity, and the human heart. Some are relaxing heartsongs and others more rhythmic and upbeat Zikr chants. Rumi's experience of being displaced from his homeland within the then-Persian civilization because of war reflects the story of many, including myself, and is a call for us all to put our humanity first.
In return for your generosity, you will receive music from the album I recorded and a variety of other benefits based on your investment level. (SEE SEPARATE PANEL WITH REWARD LEVELS AND FAQ FOR MORE DETAILS)
The songs on the "One With The Beloved" album also accompany my sacred sound workshop: 'Connect To The Beloved'. This workshop is an authentic and positive exploration of the heart's wounds and a celebration of its joys through movement, voice, music and rhythm, all guided by Rumi's wisdom.
A subsequent worldwide album tour with this workshop is also backed by your investment. A prominent leader of a peace and security organization in the UK commented after participating in my workshop that "Before leaders make policy decisions (related the Middle East), they ought to be taking this workshop."
Shervin's Credentials
I could list my professional work experiences, but what I feel qualifies me the most for this project, is my unique background, which brings East and West alive in my daily life and permeates through all that I am. Many can attest to the quality of my sound therapy sessions, the Connect to the Beloved workshop I offer and my last album, "Spirit Night by Candlelight". Read about and listen to Spirit Night music here:
Costs & Benefits
We are aiming to cover our production and tour costs through this Kickstarter project. In return for your generous investment you will receive exclusive products through One with the Beloved and many other benefits.
Your support will help me and my team of musicians, consultants and producers craft the most genuine blend of music, with a light world music flavor, deeply peaceful, soulful sounds, and positive messages to provide a lush musical container for Rumi's timeless words and a means of reaching a wide audience through the tour. To leverage Rumi's message through the music and workshop are our primary goals.
Endorsements of "One with the Beloved" from the following Bali Community Organizations:
Ahimsa in Action, Bali Silent Retreat Center, Bali Storytellers Festival, BaliSpirit Festival, Janet De Neefe (Ubud Writers and Readers Festival), Swasti EcoCottages, Alchemy Cafe and Garden, Casa Luna, Taksu Spa, Radiantly Alive, Namaste The Spiritual Shop
Reviews Related to this Project so far:
"Anyone who spends his time tackling the huge divide the world is currently experiencing with music and the teachings of Rumi is worth supporting. Now more than ever we need to focus on the fundamental importance of peace and compassion to find a solution to our current global dilemma. Shervin Boloorian's music offers an extraordinary, healing journey with mystical sounds, both traditional and new, that remind us that love and understanding is the only way forward." Janet DeNeefe, Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, Founder and Director, May 2017.
"Words cannot adequately describe my wonderful experience (at Shervin's Sufi workshop)... Beholding the Beloved and whirling was definitely one of the most beautiful and tender things I have EVER done for myself! Chandanna Denzayll (USA/MALAYSIA)
"I endorse this project. Let's meditate and pray for peace and understanding with music of natural sounds. And if we pray . . . Really pray . . . the guns will sleep." ~P. Miklausch, Founder, Bali Silent Retreat for Prayer and Meditation (May 2017)
"I've been blessed to know Shervin for over two decades, have been gifted to see him blossom into a renowned sound healer and recognize him as brother in arms in service to the Beloved. I too was born in Iran and have been pulled to study, revel in and express in art the wisdom and works of The Molana ( Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī,) aka Rumi. I directed my own Rumi production in Los Angeles, "RumiNation". I have also attended Shervin's Beloved workshops as a guest and co-presenter of Rumi poetry on occasion and can wholeheartedly say that the space that is created and what transpires can only be described as necessary soul water for thirsty travelers on this journey of life." Amir Khalighi, Actor, Director and Founder, (June 2017)
"Shervin's voice is angelic! A unique blend of the gentle, soft and seductive; with strong, anchored, rhythmic dimensions. Shervin's Persian-music poetic style is magical.” Margot Anand, Bestselling Author and Renowned Spiritualist, 2015.
Trip Advisor Testimonials about Shervin
"The sound healing work with Shervin might be best characterized as a journey of energy purification to rediscover one’s heart and soul for reaching internal harmony. The outcome of Shervin’s treatment has gone way beyond my expectation, as this is by far the most intuitive, profound, and spiritual treatment I've ever had. `Ophelia Wang, (Env. Services Consultant, Jakarta).
" I've discovered the most beautiful sound healing sessions at Taksu. Organised by Shervin, who has the voice of an angel, they have different guests regularly. They come from all over the world & all bring something special to the sessions. No matter how you're feeling or what your beliefs are, these sessions will touch your heart & soul. I leave there every time feeling uplifted & very relaxed & happy. If you want a truly heartfelt experience, with no judgement or conditions, I recommend you go to a session" Melati (Australia)
Joining Shervin's sound healing session is always a wonderful, unique and relaxing journey into a deep meditative state of bliss and inner peace. Every time I go far beyond the beautiful and sacred sound and feel so much gratitude. Shervin's treatments are healing for soul. In deep gratitude" Catherine
Where do I even begin? If someone had told me how amazing and powerful sound healing was I would not have believed them and would have probably brushed them off. I first met Shervin 10 months ago completely shattered due to extreme trauma. I ended up in a sound healing class and was totally blown away by my experience. So much so that I went to 4 group classes a week along with one private session for the next three weeks. Shervin's wisdom and gentle presence created a safe place that I so desperately needed and during the sessions… I can honestly say that my healing has been accelerated due to Shervin's expertise and knowledge and innate talent. He is the "real deal" and I have not hesitated to recommend him to friends and family because I know first hand that he walks with integrity and is a truly gifted healer." Patricia (Canada)
Whether it's an actual Sound Healing event, or Shervin et al are providing background music for a yoga or other session, those ethereal sounds are the aural chain voicelessly linking the participants and community" Matthew Bloomfield (USA)
“Like a warm bath for the soul and rocket fuel for the imagination, there isn't a yoga class, gong bath, kirtan, concert or experience either before or since Bali that has come anything close. My 72-year old mum sat up afterwards and said simply 'that was one of the most wonderful experiences of my entire life'” Susie Hunt (UK, Graduate, Royal Academy of Music)
"This was one of the most profound experiences of my life. Shervin’s approach to the session was sensitive and responsive which created a beautiful space connecting neuropathy to a wisdom that heightens body state and awareness. This experience provided me a deep cellular reset uniting elemental energies throughout layers of my 'being' that I was yet to identify. These affects are still resonating throughout my spirit with a gentleness and light that is sui generis. Truly divine." Thea Thomas, Attorney of Law (AUS)
"There's music that can touch my heart; then I attended Shervin Boloorian's sound healing class and The Spirit Night (the Healing Sounds Concert) at Yoga Barn, and heard music that can touch my soul. I never knew sounds can heal so powerfully, the Sound Healing concert opened a new chapter of my life! May your heart be touched and shed tears. May your soul be touched and feel blessed. Like me." ~TravelBean Corner (KL, MAL)
Watch our Video Appeal : click below to watch a shorter video from Shervin who will explain what this appeal is all about. (The full-length video can be viewed at the top of this page)
"All my life I've wanted to be in service to the cause of creating warmer and deeper understanding between peoples of different cultures, nations, and faiths. With all my being, I believe sound and music are life-changing forces, which represent the most powerful universal languages of peace, unity and connection. This spirit of friendship and collaborative cooperation through music is embodied by the Bali Sound Healers Collective, an informal community project I established in 2012. I have up to this point through the Collective raised money for different causes, and taken the fruits of this collaboration to tens of thousands in Bali and throughout the world, presenting with over 150 musicians (all with my own resources). Through these presentations, ,my debut music CD and one-on- one sound therapy sessions I offer, I have facilitated music and sound for transformation to support individuals and groups with overcoming life challenges. I firmly believe there can be stronger hope for humanity when people invest resources in these much needed programs. To take Rumi's urgently needed message to the world through my music would be a dream come true and I hope you will contribute from your hearts in whatever way you can to turn this vision into a reality. Together we can build an essential link between two estranged worlds (the East and the West) which are fundamentally more alike and much more about peace than anything else. Namaste and Salaam.
More info here:
Risks and challenges
Should my investment go to this project vs. a relief/multinational agency? How can music practically contribute to creating peace in the world?
There are great agencies doing good work providing relief on the ground to those in need throughout the world. These agencies respond during times of crisis yet there is very little noteworthy effort in terms of proactive nongovernmental projects in Western countries which have a positive effect on putting a human face to the people of the Middle East and urgently reversing the stereotype of "terrorism".
That's where this project comes in by sharing profound messages of peace from ancient Middle East based texts in original languages.
It's shared in a style that appeals to Western and Eastern audiences. The One with the Beloved project aims to spark interest in the more heartcentered aspects of Arabic, Persian, Kurdish, Jewish etc cultures as it progresses over its 3 year lifetime. It's goal is to start of wave of education and awareness through sacred music.
Music is a universal language of peace and the ancient Persian texts of Rumi have a mystical quality that is also universal. These texts not only speak to and unite the people of Abrahamic faiths, but they have been translated into 23 languages and are among the most popular pieces of literature in the East and the West. It's an experiential enrichment project that explores each individual's journey and brings together a combination of ingredients that has never been tried before in this way.
What are the ingredients you are speaking of?
Recording arts, original music, ancient literature and messages of peace, world and "living" music flavors, combined with meditative and deeply relaxing sounds, a tour, community outreach, interactive self-inquiry workshops inspired by Sufi practices, and other cultural awareness forums giving rise to a wide array of activities. All will be kickstarted by this campaign.
Why is this not purely a music project?
Music is the central focus and the first step. Music becomes an access point that brings to life greater awareness about a culture and it's messages. This is sorely needed in an age of negative stereotypes. Through the production and release of the One with the Beloved album, our hope is to leverage Rumi's popularity and the growing popularity of the holistic world that embraces Rumi's peaceful philosophy. The album collects songs from a workshop for all ages entitled Connect to the Beloved. Connect to the Beloved uses music, rhythm, movement and sacred sounds to move beyond personal blockages that work against the way of inner peace. The workshop and other forthcoming arts projects are the interactive channels to share this music and the messages contained more widely with communities and throughout the world.
What is Sufism?
Sufism is the mystical wing of Islam that promotes tolerance, acceptance, understanding,and unity. Sufis are known to use music, dance, art, chants and other forms of spiritual practices to raise their consciousness and draw down inspiration to improve their lives. Some have compared Sufism to Kabalah and other mystical traditions.
Who is Rumi?
Rumi (Jallaludin Rumi Al Bakh) is a 13th Century scholar, poet and saint whose life was transformed by the presence of his best friend, a Sufi spiritual master and vagabond monk, Shams of Tabriz. After their friendship suddenly ended, Rumi had a mystical experience which inspired thousands and thousands of poems and prose that have made him the most well known Sufi master and a literary giant in the world. He is the Persian equivalent of Shakespeare and his work is described as timeless and universal and continues to inspire art, music, poetry, dance, faith, men's groups and women's circles and communities everywhere,
Is Shervin a Sufi?
Shervin is a certified sound therapist born in Iran and raised in the West. He is not a practicing Sufi. His Iranian heritage, passion for sacred music and poetry, and his Persian language background are his main connection to the Sufi worl world. Shervin's own story and that of countless other Iranian refugees are not so different from the life of Rumi's. Shervin's goal of using live sacred music to connect people to their hearts and to deeply inspire reflects that of Rumi's Sufi message of harmony and peace across cultures. In his last album, "Spirit Night by CandleLight" Shervin composed, produced, sang and provided instrumentation for two Sufi-inspired songs in Persian and Arabic, one of which was a Rumi poem (Aan Del Bar Man). This new album expands on the style of these two songs, which are by far his most popular..
How is Shervin, a certified sound therapist, qualified to be leading a music for Middle East peace project?
Before training as a sound therapist and sacred world musician, Shervin served for 9 years as a policy analyst and advisor in Sacramento and Washington DC. Part of that time he worked as a nonpartisan coalition strategist and top advisor on US-Iran policy for national peace and nonviolence groups. Shervin has helped draft and review policy briefs on the subject for the Obama Administration and worked with a number of congressional, nonprofit, and community leaders, Nobel Prize Laureates, ex military officials and Ambassadors as an advocate for avoiding war with Iran.
When do I get a copy of the album?
A copy of the download will be available in September at the latest
How many tracks on the new album?
There plan to be 9 to 11 tracks on this album.
What happens next when the album is finished?
While the album is being completed, Shervin will embark on his tour of Europe (Aug-October) which will involve workshops and live appearances throughout the European Union. Once the album is done, next steps also include a campaign to develop a theatrical production of Shervin's original storytelling presentation "The Story of Rumi and Shams", which premiered at the Bali Storytellers Festival in 2016.
Where will Shervin tour this album?
The tour will be in Europe, Asia, the US, Australia and other countries. The goal is to be in Europe between August and October 2017 and then in Asia, Australia and America in 2017-2018. We are aiming to reach many of the major cities in these locations including, but not limited to the following: London, Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Munich, Zurich, Berlin, Milan, Rome, Athens, Ibiza, Barcelona, Lisbon, Paris, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Gothenberg, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cincinnati, New York, Miami, Toronto, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney, Perth, Bali, Koh Samui, Dubai, Istanbul.
(Please reach out to us if you have a location/event in mind that would consider hosting a tour presentation).
Shervin is also reaching out to various civic, nongovernmental and nonprofit groups to arrange future Connect to the Beloved workshops for constituencies from different corners of society and parts of the world using the album you will fund as the central point.
If you know of any organizations or private groups who are interested in hosting or endorsing this project, please contact us at Shervin ( @ ) soundhealingbali dot com
Longterm Goals?
One with the Beloved will be a 3 year project--
Year One: Sufi inspired Album, Tour Launch
Years One and Two: Tour Continues, Community Forums and Theatrical Production
Year Three: New Artist Collaboration Campaign for a Second Album pertaining to other Middle East Cultures
More About Shervin Boloorian (MA) (USA/UK/Iran)
Shervin is founder of Sound Healing Bali and Founder/Director of the Bali Sound Healers Collective. An Iranian-born vocalist who presents sacred songs in multiple languages, he is a sound therapy practitioner and graduate of Fabien Maman’s Tama-Do “Way of the Soul” Academy (Started in 1988). Shervin’s multi-instrumental talents have taken his signature style of “Sound Medicine” to festivals and holistic venues worldwide. Per his specialized energy training with Tama-Do, and shamanic counseling skills from an apprenticeship with Robin Rice, Shervin applies vibrational therapy to unwind minds, soften hearts, and nourish, energize and aid the body in self-recovery. Shervin’s voice on his debut CD, ‘Spirit Night By CandleLight’ is described by bestselling author and spiritualist, Margot Anand, as “Angelic.” ,
FB: Bali Sound Healers Collective,
Instagram: Sound Healing Bali,
Support Options Include:
• Make a pledge without a reward
• Pledge €10 or more and receive 4 special songs (receive 4 beautiful songs including remixes from the new album in digital format).
Estimated delivery Jul 2017
• Pledge €20 or more and receive New Album in Full (a full version of the new album plus the 4 songs mentioned in the previous reward in digital format).
Estimated delivery Sep 2017
• Pledge €30 or more and receive 2 Albums (receive the new album & Shervin's first album 'Spirit Night by Candlelight') +Plus the 4 special tracks mentioned above (digital format).
Estimated delivery Jul 2017
• Pledge €50 or more and receive CD's of both albums (receive hard copy CD versions of both albums plus all Digital releases). Ships to Anywhere in the world. Estimated delivery Sep 2017
• Pledge €75 or more and receive Album CD's & Tour T-Shirt (receive CD's of both albums and digital releases, plus an exclusive t-shirt. Please include preference for male or female tshirt, your size and shipping address).
Estimated delivery Sep 2017. Ships to Anywhere in the world
• Pledge €125 or more and receive 1 x Event Ticket, Tshirt & CDs (Receive entry to a special Shervin Boloorian event, plus tshirt and album CDs.
Estimated delivery Sep 2017
• Pledge €175 or more and receive 2 x Event tickets, T.shirt & CDs (receive entry for yourself and a guest to a special Shervin Boloorian event (locations listed in the FAQ's), plus tshirt and album CDs).
Estimated delivery Sep 2017. Ships to Anywhere in the world
• Pledge €250 or more and enjoy A Private Sound-Healing Session (receive a one hour private sound therapy session with Shervin Boloorian, a unique gift for yourself, your family or friends. We will contact you to determine a suitable alternative if you do not live near any of the tour locations. Also includes album CDs and t.shirt).
Estimated delivery Sep 2017. Ships to Anywhere in the world
• Pledge €500 or more. Enjoy A Group Sound-Healing Session (a private 1.5 hour multi-instrumental sacred sound session for up to 12 guests with Shervin. To take place at your home or an agreed upon location that's convenient for the tour (see FAQ's for locations) or Bali. Also includes album CDs and t.shirt).
Estimated delivery Sep 2017. Ships to Anywhere in the world