Romberger Family Marks 263 Years in US

On June 18th, Berrysburg's historic Hill Church provides a bucolic backdrop to the Romberger All-Family Reunion where friends, food, fun and genealogy rule. Descendants of Bartel, the original immigrant ancestor for American Rombergers (and variations) meet once more to share info, make new family friends, and celebrate the life of the family association founder, Dr. John Romberger.
- Harrisburg-Lebanon-Carlisle, PA (1888PressRelease) April 12, 2016 - Romberger, Ramberger, Rauschenberger, Rumberger, Rombarger, Rambarger, Rumbarger, Rauchenberger, Raumberger, Raumbarger, Rauenberger -
Carry the name or one of the variations? Carry the blood? Any US Ra/au/o/u-mb-a/e-rger stands 99% odds of being descended from the first immigrant ancestor, Bartel, so come join the clan!
The 2016 All-Family Reunion is set for Saturday, June 18 starting at 9 a.m. As in years past, Rombergers of all spellings will meet at the beautiful Hill Church in Berrysburg PA where many family forebears worshiped and now rest. This year attendees celebrate 263 years of Rombergers in the U.S.!
The Romberger Family Association has been meeting since the 1980's, and the Rombergers are a well-documented family. This year's reunion will honor the life of Dr. John Romberger, who directed the successful search for the family's original ancestor's German town and home. Family Historian Bob Averell, who took the historical reins in 2010 has found many new descendants so there's now more info than ever to to assist family members in their genealogical pursuits. This is a great opportunity to explore one's roots and ensure attendee families are linked by sharing known info about individual lines. There's also a hard to describe feeling about sharing a room with many other people who are kin. Lunch, singing, awards and stories await.
Folks are asked to bring a covered dish if possible, and if not, not to worry, there's always plenty of food. It's a beautiful place, and an occasion for fine fellowship, conversation, viewing displays, and walking the cemetery. Also, there's a lot to do in the area so it's simple to plan a weekend if one chooses. Area activities are in the reunion information packet that may be requested below.
This is a rare chance to have the benefit of people who truly know the family, as well as to stand where Romberger forebears once did, so take a minute to request an info packet.
Send an email to rombergerfamilyassociation AT or call 717-827-6050 to receive an information packet by postal mail. Recipients will learn about the family association, and have the chance to register for the reunion and/or to mail in family info. Whether one can attend this year or not, requesters will be placed on the mailing list for future reunion notification. The family association hopes to hear from interested cousins soon.