The Perry Clayman Clinic (PCP) one of the UK's leading drug and alcohol rehabilitation provider's report success rates of 85% and credit new services as key to unprecedented progress in the field.
Luton - The Perry Clayman Project (PCP) have recorded record success rates in the field of Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation.
The Perry Clayman Clinic Chelmsford has recently released their latest performance report which shows an unprecedented 83% success rate.
Chelmsford - The Perry Clayman Clinic Chelmsford achieve record results in helping people overcome their addiction to alcohol, prescription and non pr ...
The Perry Clayman Clinic Chelmsford records some fantastic results despite being only open for a relatively short time.
Chelmsford - Despite only being open for a matter of months the PCP Clinic Chelmsford has so far yielded some fantastic results which has raised some ...