Radiant Pay Announces for Advance Check Processing Solutions

Radiant Pay is a leading service provider in payment processing services, now we had extended our services to new one called Automated Clearing House Services. We also provide a wide range of services like; online merchant accounts, payment gateway solutions, credit card processing, ACH and check processing services and high risk payment processing solutions.
One of the world's leading Global Payment Processing Company Radiant Payment Gateway Solutions introduced a new service Automated Clearing House in their current range of services. On 13th December 2015 the board of meeting held at the headquarters of the company in London. Looking at the current scenario of ecommerce payment system, the company has taken serve decision on their payment processing solutions. They had come with advance features in payment solutions to serve the best payment processing solutions to the ecommerce merchants.
The CEO of the company Mr. Patrick Danial has officially announce for Automated Clearing House networks for their company. ACH is a National clearing house networks for batch processing electronic fund transfer. It has made the fund transfer faster with low transaction fees, for the merchants who just started with the new ecommerce startups and also proven the finest payment solutions for branded ecommerce sites.
ACH acts as the middle man in electronic payment transactions, moving money out from the customer's bank account into the business' bank account. The payer, which can be an individual or a business, starts the transaction by making a payment using the ACH option provided by the biller. The biller sends this request with your authorization to deduct the funds to ACH. ACH requests the funds from your bank account which then sends the money to ACH. ACH then sends the funds to the biller's bank for deposit.
Radiant Pay set up a relaxed guidelines for processing with Automated Clearing House Networks. And makes the payment process easy and convenient for the merchants. The ACH network functions on the same days as the bank, so applications made after business hours, on the weekends or over holidays will take an extra day or two to process or clear. For more information visit - http://www.radiantpay.com/checkprocessing.html