After three quarters of high inflation and limited growth, Chinese inflation has fallen sharply giving authorities room to stimulate the economy and further growth.
Provideo Financial Report: Latin America's largest economy is reacting as expected to a series of interest-rate increases and other measures implemented by the government in late 2010 and early 2011, designed to contain inflation by reining in access to credit.
France has announced $16 billion in new taxes to ensure it reaches its deficit-reduction targets, while Europe is suffering a steady stream of poor economic news.
South Korea and the EU have ratified a free trade agreement that will take effect on July 1st. Provideo Financial analysts perceive South Korea as growing powerhouse for international trade.
While industrial giants including the Japanese automakers and digital technology companies have taken significant hits, the renewable energy sector is thriving. Provideo Financial analysts believe that now is a good time to invest across the board.
The massive 8.9-magnitude that devastated Japan on Friday has left millions wanting to give aid. Provideo Financial issues advice on how to do so in the most effective manner.
Provideo Financial analyst Lee Jacobs comments on the November economic indicator numbers released in China over the weekend. Other than inflation which is a major concern, China's economy is healthy and growing.