Proteus Films, a motion picture production company, announced today that it's going into production for a bio-epic based on the life of Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca, the Carthaginian General. The film will be directed by Ken Sibanda, also the author of the science-fiction novel, The Return To Gibraltar.
Hannibal the African, the story of Hannibal Barca's life and conquest is to be directed by Ken Sibanda. The announcement comes in view of the success ...
South African born American based film director's novel to be released in the coming weeks. The novel entitled, The Return To Gibraltar tells the story of a young African American protagonist named Horace Arthur Bates who time travels to 1491 Spain in the aid of the fledgling Spanish Moors.
Ken Sibanda, South African born American film director and the author of the critically acclaimed anthology of poems, "The Songs of Soweto: Poems From ...