
Playing Video Games Saves on Car Insurance

Top Quote Playing video games can have a positive impact on auto insurance rates, according to a new article. End Quote
    QuoteVideo games and virtual reality simulators are increasing in popularity as both a mental and physical training tool.Quote
  • Chicago, IL (1888PressRelease) October 14, 2009 - Critics say that playing video games can fry brain cells, but now drivers can laugh all the way to the bank.

    A recent article, “Its No Atari, but Video Games Can Lower Your Auto Insurance Rates,” demonstrates the benefits of playing video games on auto insurance rates. Why? Because last October, Allstate auto insurance sent video games to 100,000 of its policyholders between the ages of 50 and 75 in Pennsylvania. The games were designed to improve the mental awareness of mature drivers, thus saving them money on their auto insurance rates.

    And according to, using video games to enhance various skills isn’t just a current fad that will eventually fade away.

    “Video games and virtual reality simulators are increasing in popularity as both a mental and physical training tool. They are already in use by the army, various polices forces and several medical hospitals,” the article states. “Since they have proven to be successful in hand-eye coordination and mental awareness, auto insurance providers have decided to experiment with them as well.”

    Through video games, drivers are expected to develop: enhanced acuity; enhanced reversal of age-related cognitive decline; quicker reflexes; and memory growth.

    Now, drivers can say that playing video games isn’t a waste of time—it’s an effort to enhance driving abilities and save money. If anything, it’s time being spent wisely.

    Drivers should contact their local auto insurance agent as soon as possible and determine if their provider is offering a video game program similar to Allstate’s. However, even if they don’t, they can still save money: playing video games will still help develop better driving abilities, which will help drivers keep a clean record in the long run. And everyone knows the drivers with the best driving histories get the lowest auto insurance rates.

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