Phillips Company Information
- Howard Phillips
- Phone: 1-580-746-2430
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- Phillips Company, catalyst, technology, hydrogen products, catalytic carbon, CC, commercialization, large-scale systems, licensing, storage tanks, low-cost, safe, high flow rates, hydrogen-on-demand, carbon, hydrogen-from-water, breakthrough, chemistry, splits water, oxygen, energy, alternative energy, renewable energy, non-polluting, CC-HOD, no power input, scale-up, HOD, aluminum, electrolytes, pH-neutral, sea water, purity, 93% pure hydrogen, 7% water vapor, mileage improvement, Equipment development, manufacturing, hardware, 40 liters per minute, heating, water distillation, oil, diesel, ships, world%u2019s first process, State of The Union, strategic alliances, licensing agent, Europe
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