Peter CLARKE Proposes Term Limit Of 8 Years For Toronto Councillors And Mayor

"Such term limits would facilitate the refreshing of the makeup of council system and produce fresh ideas and hopefully would help promote wider participation. What one cannot do as councillor in eight years one will not achieve in ten to 25 years".
- (1888PressRelease) August 16, 2010 - Peter a candidate for a seat as councillor for Toronto North York Willowdale ward 23 is of the opinion that term limits will produce a "citizen council "of more ordinary people rather than professional establishment politicians as term-limited representatives would be more in harmony with public opinion.
CLARKE is fully aware of the fact that most incumbent Toronto councillors take a different view and are far more interested in retaining their perks and perches.
As Toronto incumbent councillors have shown they prefer taking pay hikes for themselves and golden severance packages should they be defeated by the voters while approving yearly tax hikes, far above the rate of inflation, and further adding new taxes on cars, property sales and condo purchase all on the voters they were elected to represent.
In Toronto as elsewhere incumbency promotes more borrowing, spending, taxing and bureaucracy at the direct expense of the people they have forgotten to represent.
To quote others " incumbent Councillors have refused to cut their office budgets, using the money to feather their nests, fund pet projects, engage in image-burnishing events, support sports teams, dress up in bunny suits, buy expensive espresso machines and outrageously high-priced Christmas cards.
Peter CLARKE believes that "such term limits would facilitate the refreshing of the makeup of council system and produce fresh ideas and hopefully would help promote wider participation."
CLARKE is of the opinion that what one cannot do as councillor or mayor in eight years one will not achieve in ten to 25 years.
As a Proud, Strong, Determined Independent Citizen Candidate and NOT an establishment career politician, Peter would be answerable only to the people and NOT a political party, special interest groups, or lobbyists.
Peter CLARKE strongly believes that together anything is possible as the future is ours. He has put together a very detailed campaign mission platform which can be viewed @
Toronto One City, Your Vote, Our Future Together, begins on October 25, 2010 with your support throughout the North York Community.