Eisenbach and Schiffren give meaning to backroom talk. Schiffren’s bold brash commentary is a gift that keeps on giving and Eisenbach’s witty takes on events are leveled with historical context.
“This is must watch tv. If you look away it will scald you. Lisa and David say what they mean and mean what they say”, says Corinne Basabe, producer o ...
The Central Park Five teens revisited in images by Don Perlis.
Don Perlis brilliantly documented how many New Yorkers viewed the teens in the Central Park Five case in the 1980’s. He will appear on Corinne’s Picks ...
The Innis Conglomerate gives Starbucks a B rating.
The Innis Conglomerate has developed a system to rate how businesses engage with minority communities. “Initially,” states Kwame Innis, National Direc ...
Roy Innis's daughter is searching for a living kidney donor via the mass media and social media. A donor with an O positive blood type is sought. Contact Nicole Matthews, Transplant Donor Coordinator, at (516) 562-0550 for more information.
Patricia Smith, daughter of Roy Innis, the former National Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), has launched a nationwide search for a ...