Non-famous Comedian & Teacher Pens Hilarious Book About Fame Just Because I’m Not Effin’ Famous, Doesn’t Mean I’m Not Effin’ Funny

Comedian Diane Dean-Epps THOUGHT she would be famous by the time she was 30. Wait. Strike that - by the time she was 40. Nope. That doesn't work either. How about: Famous before she entered an assisted living facility?
Alas, thoughts are just things.
- (1888PressRelease) May 26, 2018 - With Dean-Epps’ unique sit-down stand up style of writing there’s no doubt she’s got the chops for comedic stardom. With the publication of her newest humor book, decorated fetchingly with pop art, Just Because I’m Not Effin’ Famous, Doesn’t Mean I’m Not Effin’ Funny represents her fifth time out as a published author.
This effin’ book came about as a result of extreme frustration – accompanied by liberal usage of the eff word – when Diane heard for the umpteenth time she needed to be famous to attract a well-known book publisher. The title does double duty as a result of her numerous brushes with greatness when she was chatting with, standing next to, and/or breathing the same rarified air as famous people with whom she was to partner for a variety-pack of entertainment opportunities. Exactly zero of these promises of career potential came to fruition.
And, no, it doesn’t count that people always think she looks like someone famous. Prime examples of which are (by decade): Pam Dawber of “Mork & Mindy” fame (1980’s), Patricia Richardson from “Home Improvement” (1990’s), and Monica Lewinsky when, well, you know (early 2000’s).
What has come to fruition is this Effin’ gem of a book. Milton Berle’s quote, “Laughter is an instant vacation” inspired the book’s vacation-themed organization, if not all of the comical contents therein.
Dean-Epps offers up laugh-out-loud, highly relatable stories from her travels and life that’ll make you feel as though you took every one of those trips with her, riding shot gun along the way. Grab a beverage, take a seat, and let the laughter begin.
Available on Amazon in a publishing small, medium, and large also known as black & white, color, and Kindle.