Nominees Sought for IEEE Computer Society Leadership

The IEEE Computer Society Nominations Committee is seeking nominations of qualified candidates for Society leadership. The deadline is Friday, 29 March.
- Washington, DC-MD-VA-WV (1888PressRelease) March 13, 2013 - In seeking nominations, IEEE Computer Society Past President and Nominations Chair John Walz noted that, "Recruiting qualified leadership is critical to the vitality of the IEEE Computer Society. In order to continue to move forward as an organization we must grow the next generation of thought leadership."
Candidates are sought for the following positions:
- 2014 President-elect, to serve as 2015 president and 2016 past president
- First vice president, to serve a one-year term in 2014
- Second vice president, to serve a one-year term in 2014, and
- Seven Board of Governors positions to serve three-year terms in 2014-2016.
President-elect and first and second vice president candidates must hold member grades or higher in IEEE and have been Computer Society members for the preceding three years. Board of Governors members must be members of the Computer Society.
Self-nominations are encouraged, but individuals may also be nominated by colleagues. Individuals may submit their names for more than one position. For more details, visit
Nominations are submitted via the online form on the nominations webpage. By Friday, 29 March 2013, nominees must turn in the following:
1. Nominee information (name, email address, and IEEE member number)
2. Position statement (a description of up to 150 words about the nominee's plans and how will they help support the Computer Society's strategic direction)
3. IEEE and/or IEEE Computer Society experience (position title, organization, and number of years of experience)
4. Relevant accomplishments (up to five major contributions the nominee has brought to the IEEE or IEEE Computer Society in previous assignments, or relevant contributions made with other organizations or in related work experience)
5. Resume or CV (uploaded as a document or LinkedIn web URL)
6. Reference information (name and email address of nominator, colleague, or someone who can attest to the nominee's qualifications for this position), and
7. Any additional comments.
Nominations will be reviewed by the Nominations Committee, which comprises Walz, the committee chair, and Ann DeMarle, Hironori Kasahara, Ming Lin, Dejan Milojicic, and S.V. Sankaran. The final candidate slate will be approved by the Computer Society Board of Governors on 14 June 2013.
About the IEEE Computer Society
The IEEE Computer Society is the world's leading computing membership organization and the trusted information and career-development source for a global workforce of technology leaders including: professors, researchers, software engineers, IT professionals, employers, and students. The unmatched source for information technology training, inspiration, and collaboration, the IEEE Computer Society is the source that computing professionals trust to provide high-quality, state-of-the-art information on an on-demand basis. The Computer Society provides a wide range of forums for top minds to come together, including technical conferences, publications, and a comprehensive digital library online, unique training webinars, professional training - e-learning courses, and a Corporate Affiliate Program to help organizations increase their staff's technical knowledge and expertise. To find out more about the community for technology leaders, visit
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mmccall ( @ ) computer dot org
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