Newport Business Solutions Announces Growth

Top Quote Newport Business Solutions announced their yearly growth numbers and expansion plans this week. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) August 11, 2011 - Newport Business Solutions, the nation's fastest growing manufacturer of automobile parts, announced this week that they are expanding their 10,000 square foot headquarters.

    "We are going to be doubling the size of our leading-edge manufacturing plant and its surrounding offices," Bob Licinia, Director of Operations for Newport Business Solutions told us.

    "Newport's sales have tripled over the past 5 years, and we are proud to be expanding not only our space, but most importantly, our staff. We will be adding dozens of new employees in both manufacturing and support staff over the next year," Mr. Licinia continued.

    Newport Business Solutions' General Manager, Lloyd Burns talked about how excited he was to be part of bringing jobs to the great state of Louisiana.

    "This state's been great to me," Mr. Burns said, "and now I get to give back. It's all about building community. We proudly are "Made in the USA."

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