New York City Based Actress Incorporates Her Personal Story On Achieving Sobriety In A Web Series Entitled Grace This Way

Top Quote An artist wants to help others who struggle with addiction by telling her own story through a web series. End Quote
  • New York, NY (1888PressRelease) August 10, 2011 - Sarah Ellis, a professional actor based in New York City, has been sober since April 2007. Passionate about both recovery and acting, she decided to combine these two loves by creating and starring in a web series entitled Grace This Way. The story is about a young woman named Grace who is beating alcohol addiction through a twelve-step recovery program.

    "What originally started out as a scene where Grace interviews Michael Jackson in the after-life gradually became a full fledged series," says Sarah Ellis. "It just dawned on me that Grace could be used to illustrate the process of working a twelve step program, something that has been crucial for me to stay sober."

    Each episode is a little over five minutes in length and represents a step in recovery. For instance, in the first episode, Grace hits bottom and realizes that she is powerless over alcohol and that her life has become unmanageable which is the whole essence of step one.

    "I decided to combine steps four and five in one episode; the same for six and seven and then eight and nine. Every time I've worked the steps, each pair has been done in rapid succession, as a dynamic duo so to speak. As a result it didn't make sense to break them up into individual episodes," Sarah explains. There are a total of nine episodes in the web series.

    Sarah plans on releasing the first episode on Sunday, September 18 at 8 p.m. at where Grace's blog can also be read. Subsequent episodes will follow every Sunday night at 8 o'clock. The episodes will also be viewable on youtube. "It is my hope that people struggling with addiction will see Grace's story, become aware that they are not alone and that there is a solution that works. I also want to introduce non-alcoholics and non-addicts to the twelve steps of recovery. Even if someone isn't struggling with an addiction there is still a certain amount of dysfunction that creeps into relationships. Part of that dysfunction is a product of being human but it's my personal belief that, as humans, we have a responsibility to evolve during each lifetime. The twelve steps encourage this change to happen."

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