New Novels of V Bright Saigal Coming out Soon

New novels of V BRIGHT SAIGAL coming soon. The debut novel-LONDON MARSHALL-I, will be launched in August-2017. As a part of it a web site has been launched - for IVT Books - excerpts of all novels have been posted on the web site for the convenience of the readers.
- (1888PressRelease) May 28, 2017 - His first poem TEARS AND HOPE has been published by poetry international Washington and won international quarter final in Washington. The poems and short stories also posted on the web site for the readers.
In 2010- Savant Books has published his three Poems-in the Savant Anthology- "First Breathe" again in 2017-July-Savant Anthology will publish his two poems.
The novels are LONDON MARSHALL-I a main stream novel and BEHIND TE FULL MOON romance and CONSCRIPT MEMORIAL mystery respectively in the coming years, one each. THE PHILOSOPHY OF GOVERNANCE a non -fiction also will be published soon.
LONDON MARSHALL-I narrates the story of the FBI agent lost in the darkness of suspense and the corrupt system. But how many men and women know the bitter reality behind the curtain of the real politics played game behind the episode?
As the reader opens the pages appears Marshall- the FBI agent fighting against a secrete gang after his life.. The villain character Mohanty the Minister. The latter loots the system while the former represent the suffering public. Mr. Bedi a poor government employee always struggles with poverty to meet two ends.
The political bosses always found ways to escape. Politicians, Executives and Judiciary create nexus and its access to Mafia rules as a covert government.
The police charge false cases against the poor in order to mint money and silence the public. While the rulers basking in mansion the ruled sleeping in the street without food.
Another victim Pacheni who defects the network found died in the river in mysterious circumstances. Neha the other challenger lost her job as her bank went bankrupt due to political interference.
Will Marshall discover the true culprit behind the scene?
The fight between the corrupted and the anti corrupts ends up in the latter's defeat. But surprisingly the time defeated the corrupted. One fine morning the trial of time leads a revolution in the human mind.
When his wife dies due to an unknown disease the minister repent and as penance he surrenders everything to the future and walks out of life. A hot chilly suspense drama keeps the reader anxious throughout the story.
Finally a straw of evidence appears somewhere.
About the Author
V Bright Saigal, an India born American writer. (English Poet, English Novelist, English Screen writer & English Film Director and) He is now a fundraiser for Hollywood Film projects. His humble beginning and the journey was more of a " Road Less Walked" - Short Story or a Novel, one can say. He is an alumnus of INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MASS COMMUNICATION Asia's best in its kind. At present he is working as a Marketing Communication & Creative-Consultant. In India he has not got any recognition or opportunities, but in the West he was adored as a Poet, and a talented writer, and his stories have got immense ovation from different regions. It is Barbara Watkins an America novelist who had noted his talent and encouraged him to write. Followed by Dr. Zachary Oliver an American Editor had selected some of his Poems and published in an Anthology First Breathe. His debut Novel "LONDON MARSHALL" will be launched soon...followed by a long list of the novels will be in the market...every season...