New Book on Maria Orsic (Part 2): Title: "Maria Orsic, Nikola Tesla, Their Extraterrestrials Messages, Ancient Aliens, The Occult, and UFOs"

The world's first book on Maria Orsic and the Ladies of Vril, and Nikola Tesla's extraterrestrials' connection. Hundreds upon hundreds of photos, drawings and sketches from the original files. Information from secrets files of the NKVD, KGB, OSS, Gestapo, SS, MI5, and intelligence agencies in 6 countries.
- (1888PressRelease) July 26, 2011 - New Book on Maria Orsic (Part 2): Title: "Maria Orsic, Nikola Tesla, Their Extraterrestrials Messages, Ancient Aliens, The Occult, and UFOs"
Just published, Volume 2 (Last Part) of Maria Orsic, Nikola Tesla, Their Extraterrestrials Messages, Ancient Aliens, The Occult, and UFOs", written by Maximillien de Lafayette.
Paperback at
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Maximillien de Lafayette wrote 1200 books, 850 are published, including 250 books and 3 encyclopedias on UFOs, extraterrestrials and aliens, and 80 books and 3 encyclopedias on the Anunnaki. He has to his credits more than 160 bestsellers.
Link to Part 2:
A world premiere! A must read book. Absolutely fascinating!!!! The world's first book on Maria Orsic and the Ladies of Vril, and Nikola Tesla's extraterrestrials' connection. Hundreds upon hundreds of photos, drawings and sketches from the original files.
Information from secrets files of the NKVD, KGB, OSS, Gestapo, SS, MI5, and intelligence agencies in 6 countries. Everything began with Maria Orsic, including extraterrestrial messages, aliens' contacts and the UFOs in modern times. The UFO phenomenon, the first contacts with aliens from civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic in 1917, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen (The Vril Society), and based upon messages she received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO). But of course everything changed as soon as the SS took control of the metaphysical efforts of Orsic and her associates. And the macabre episode ended with the SS senior officers slaughtering 60 German scientists who were working on the final prototypes of the Bell UFO, when they became convinced that Germany has lost the war. Fearing that their UFO technology will fall into the hands of the Red Army, SS officers shot the leading engineers. And those who managed to escape, just 3 days before the Russian troops entered Berlin, vanished from the face of the earth, taking with them the most important documents and blueprints of the last versions of their Bell-UFOs, stealth supersonic bombers, jet-fighters, and other secret miracle-weapons. But the greatest, most unique and most formidable person in all these scenarios, Germany's UFOs saga, and the history of ufology and extraterrestrials' contacts was and still is Maria Orsic. Maria was an extraordinary woman on so many levels!
From the contents:
Read about:
1.Life and times of Maria Orsic. The first person on Earth to receive extraterrestrial messages in 1917. The first woman to build a UFO using technical data given to her by extraterrestrials
2.Unusual medium/psychic with unusual friends and extraterrestrials from Aldebaran.
3.Maria Orsic, Anunnaki and Sumerians link
4.Explanation of the aliens' messages Maria received in Sumerian-Ugaritic-Ana'kh cuneiform scripts
5.The story of the German UFOs
6.The extraterrestrials who survived the Great Flood
7.Shortcut to others planets, stars and galaxies
8.Stargates: The stairways to the heavens
9. Himmler SS attempts to kill Maria Orsic
10.Brüder Des Lichts
13.Description of life on Adelbaran
14.Profile of the Adelbaran's extraterrestrials
15.Comparison between Adelbaran and Ash.Ta.Ri (Nibiru)
16.Germany's first Bell-UFOs
17.The paranormal aspect of the German UFOs
18.UFOs, Aliens, Aliens' Rapture, Nikola Tesla, and the United States Government
19.Nicola Tesla's files on extraterrestrials
20.J. Edgar Hoover and FBI Tesla's files
21.Tesla, Brigadier General L. C. Craigie, and Patterson Air Force Base, and the "Project Nick"
22.Russian Telsa's beam weapon system and the United States Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
23.Tesla Teslascope; device to contact extraterrestrials