NAViGaTR Awards for 2004 are announced; awards show released on YouTube

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas continues the series' domination of the NAViGaTR Awards, tieing with Half-Life 2 for most awards won this year.
- Baltimore, MD (1888PressRelease) November 21, 2010 - The winners of the 2004 NAViGaTR Awards are being distributed to developers and press via DVD today at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, California. The awards show DVD reveals the winners in 45 categories and features a tribute to the past 20 years of video game musical compositions.
The National Academy of Video Game Testers and Reviewers Corp.™ is pleased to announce the winners for its fourth annual awards honoring the best of the interactive entertainment industry in the fields of art, technology, and production. A voting body of more than 950 eligible video game media critics determined the final winners for games released in the calendar year of 2004.
Half-Life 2™ won five (5) awards, including Game of the Year. Also winning five (5) awards, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas™ tied for most awards won by a single game this year.
With four (4) awards, Doom 3® was the only other game to win more than three awards. Halo 2, Katamari Damacy, Metal Gear Solid 3, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and Sly 2: Band of Thieves each won two (2) awards. No other games received multiple awards.
Activision®, Nintendo®, Rockstar®, and Vivendi Universal® were the top publishers this year, winning five (5) awards each in various categories. Other publishers winning multiple awards were Electronic Arts (2), Konami (4), Microsoft (2), Midway (2), Namco (2), Sega (3), Sony (2), and Tecmo (2). As a publisher, Konami came in second place with a total of four (4) awards for 2004.
As a developer, Konami is also in second place for the most wins to date by a single developer. Rockstar® holds the record with 14 wins to date. To date, Ubisoft® has won 12 awards. Square Soft® and Nintendo® have won 11 awards to date, and Sony has won eight (8) awards.
The NAVGTR voting body includes more than 950 eligible voters, representing a broad spectrum of mainstream and specialist media that cover video games, including, Albuquerque Journal (NM),, Ashville MudCat Magazine (AL), Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Austin American-Statesman, Beaver County Times (PA), Birmingham News (AL), Boston Herald (MA), Bridgeport Post Telegram (CT), Bridgewater Courier News (NJ),, CiN Weekly, Cleveland Plain Dealer (OH), CNN,,, Computer Gaming World, Computer Graphics World, Contra Costa Times, Copley News Service, Dallas Morning News (TX), Denver Post (CO), Digital Journal, Durham Sun Morning Herald (NC),, Electronic Gaming Monthly (Ziff-Davis Media), Erie Times (PA),, FHM, Gainesville Sun (FL),,,, Gannett News Service, Gear,, Jackson Clarion Ledger (MS), Kids & Computers, Kidzworld Media, Kingsport Times (TN), KNTV, LA Weekly, Las Vegas Review Journal (NV), Lexington Herald Leader (KY), Lone Pine Capital, Los Angeles Times, Marin Independent Journal (San Francisco), Marin Independent Journal, Marquee, Maryville Times (TN), Minneapolis Star Tribune (MN),, National Post, National Public Radio, NBC, New York Post (NY), PC Gamer, Philadelphia Inquirer,, Play Magazine, Public Radio International, Pueblo Star Journal Chieftan (CO), Salon, Salt Lake Deseret News (UT), San Jose Mercury-News, Spartanburg Herald Journal (SC), St. Paul Pioneer-Press, Stuff Magazine, The Detroit Free Press, The New York Times, The Ottawa Citizen, The Regina Leader-Post, The Tenessean, The Vancouver Sun, The Washington Post, Tifton Gazette (GA), USA Today,, Ventura County Star(CA), Wired News, Wizard Magazine, WOW Weekly,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ZDNet, and many more.
NAVGTR Corp. is a 501(c)(6) non-profit corporation devoted to promoting and recognizing the developments and achievements of the interactive entertainment industry for public awareness and education. In addition to the annual awards, the academy's future goals include acknowledging, documenting, and/or memorializing industry leaders and historical events through educational and informative television specials or videos, as well as efforts to preserve the history of interactive entertainment through the development of archives in public libraries and universities.
Creative/Technical Categories
Animation…Cinema - Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Animation…Cinema - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - WINNER
Animation…Cinema - Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Animation…Cinema - Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Animation…Cinema - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Animation…Engine - Burnout 3: Takedown
Animation…Engine - Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Animation…Engine - Doom 3
Animation…Engine - Half-Life 2 - WINNER
Animation…Engine - Ninja Gaiden
Art Dir…Cinema - Fable
Art Dir…Cinema - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - WINNER
Art Dir…Cinema - Half-Life 2
Art Dir…Cinema - Ninja Gaiden
Art Dir…Cinema - Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Art Dir…Engine - Doom 3 - WINNER
Art Dir…Engine - Fable
Art Dir…Engine - Far Cry
Art Dir…Engine - Myst IV Revelation
Art Dir…Engine - Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Art Dir…Engine - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Camera Dir…Engine - Chronicles of Riddick
Camera Dir…Engine - Half-Life 2
Camera Dir…Engine - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Camera Dir…Engine - Sly 2: Band of Thieves - WINNER
Camera Dir…Engine - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Character Design - Fable
Character Design - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Character Design - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Character Design - Pikmin 2
Character Design - Viewtiful Joe 2 - WINNER
Control Design - Katamari Damacy
Control Design - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Control Design - Pikmin 2
Control Design - Sly 2: Band of Thieves - WINNER
Control Design - Spider-Man 2
Control Design - Viewtiful Joe 2
Control Precision - Burnout 3: Takedown
Control Precision - Ninja Gaiden - WINNER
Control Precision - Pikmin 2
Control Precision - Sly 2: Band of Thieves
Control Precision - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Control Precision - Viewtiful Joe 2
Costume Design - BloodRayne 2
Costume Design - Fable
Costume Design - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Costume Design - Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Costume Design - Shadow Hearts: Covenant - WINNER
Direction…Cinema - Doom 3
Direction…Cinema - Fable
Direction…Cinema - Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly Director's Cut
Direction…Cinema - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Direction…Cinema - Halo 2 - WINNER
Direction…Cinema - Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Game Design - Fable
Game Design - Half-Life 2 - WINNER
Game Design - Katamari Damacy
Game Design - Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Game Design - Rome: Total War
Game Design - The Sims 2
Game of the Year - Burnout 3: Takedown
Game of the Year - Half-Life 2 - WINNER
Game of the Year - Katamari Damacy
Game of the Year - Ninja Gaiden
Game of the Year - Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Game of the Year - Rome: Total War
Game…Classic Revival - Classic NES Series: Metroid
Game…Classic Revival - Classic NES Series: The Legend of Zelda
Game…Classic Revival - Donkey Kong Country 2
Game…Classic Revival - Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls - WINNER
Game…Classic Revival - Mega Man Anniversary Collection
Game…Classic Revival - Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Game…Music or Performance - Dance Dance Revolution Extreme - WINNER
Game…Music or Performance - Donkey Konga
Game…Music or Performance - Eye Toy: Groove
Game…Music or Performance - Get On Da Mic
Game…Music or Performance - Taiko Drum Master
Game…Orig Action - Alien Hominid - WINNER
Game…Orig Action - Breakdown
Game…Orig Action - Far Cry
Game…Orig Action - Painkiller
Game…Orig Action - Star Wars: Battlefront
Game…Orig Adventure - Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Game…Orig Adventure - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Game…Orig Adventure - Missing: Since January
Game…Orig Adventure - Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy - WINNER
Game…Orig Adventure - Siren
Game…Orig Children's - Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Game…Orig Children's - Katamari Damacy - WINNER
Game…Orig Children's - Mario vs. Donkey Kong
Game…Orig Children's - The Number Devil
Game…Orig Fighting - Custom Robo - WINNER
Game…Orig Fighting - Onimusha Blade Warriors
Game…Orig Racing - Juiced
Game…Orig Racing - MTX Mototrax
Game…Orig Racing - TrackMania - WINNER
Game…Orig RPG - Baten Kaitos
Game…Orig RPG - City of Heroes
Game…Orig RPG - Fable
Game…Orig RPG - La Pucelle: Tactics
Game…Orig RPG - World of Warcraft - WINNER
Game…Orig Sports - ESPN Major League Baseball - WINNER
Game…Orig Sports - NFL Street
Game…Orig Sports - NHL Eastside Hockey Manager
Game…Sequel Action - Doom 3
Game…Sequel Action - Half-Life 2 - WINNER
Game…Sequel Action - Halo 2
Game…Sequel Action - Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Game…Sequel Action - Viewtiful Joe 2
Game…Sequel Adventure - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - WINNER
Game…Sequel Adventure - Myst IV: Revelation
Game…Sequel Adventure - Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Game…Sequel Adventure - Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Game…Sequel Children's - Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Game…Sequel Children's - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - WINNER
Game…Sequel Children's - Pikmin 2
Game…Sequel Children's - Sly 2: Band of Thieves
Game…Sequel Fighting - Dead or Alive: Ultimate - WINNER
Game…Sequel Fighting - Def Jam: Fight for NY
Game…Sequel Fighting - Godzilla: Save The Earth
Game…Sequel Fighting - Guilty Gear: Isuka
Game…Sequel Fighting - Mortal Kombat: Deception
Game…Sequel Racing - Burnout 3: Takedown - WINNER
Game…Sequel Racing - F-Zero GP Legend
Game…Sequel Racing - Need for Speed Underground 2
Game…Sequel Racing - OutRun 2
Game…Sequel Racing - RalliSport Challenge 2
Game…Sequel RPG - Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2
Game…Sequel RPG - Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Game…Sequel RPG - Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Game…Sequel RPG - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords - WINNER
Game…Sequel RPG - Tales of Symphonia
Game…Sequel Sports - ESPN NBA 2K5
Game…Sequel Sports - ESPN NFL 2K5 - WINNER
Game…Sequel Sports - MVP Baseball 2004
Game…Sequel Sports - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005
Game…Sequel Sports - Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Game…Sequel Sports - World Soccer Winning Eleven 7 International
Game…Simulation Game - Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
Game…Simulation Game - Dog's Life
Game…Simulation Game - Gallop Racer 2004
Game…Simulation Game - The Sims 2 - WINNER
Game…Simulation Game - The Urbz: Sims in the City
Game…Special Class - Chessmaster 10th Edition
Game…Special Class - Feel the Magic: XY/XX (DS) - WINNER
Game…Special Class - Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Party Game$
Game…Strategy - Full Spectrum Warrior
Game…Strategy - Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders
Game…Strategy - Political Machine
Game…Strategy - Rome: Total War - WINNER
Graphics…Technical - Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Graphics…Technical - Doom 3
Graphics…Technical - Far Cry
Graphics…Technical - Half-Life 2 - WINNER
Graphics…Technical - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Innovation…Game Play - Eye Toy: Antigrav
Innovation…Game Play - Fable
Innovation…Game Play - Full Spectrum Warrior
Innovation…Game Play - Katamari Damacy - WINNER
Innovation…Game Play - The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
Innovation…Tech - Chronicles of Riddick
Innovation…Tech - Donkey Konga
Innovation…Tech - Eye Toy: Antigrav
Innovation…Tech - Nintendo DS - WINNER
Innovation…Tech - Taiko Drum Master
Lighting/Texturing - Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Lighting/Texturing - Doom 3 - WINNER
Lighting/Texturing - Half-Life 2
Lighting/Texturing - Ninja Gaiden
Lighting/Texturing - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Original Musical Score - Fable
Original Musical Score - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Original Musical Score - Halo 2 - WINNER
Original Musical Score - Katamari Damacy
Original Musical Score - Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Original/Adapted Song - No nominations. Previous nomination disqualified.
Song Collection - Burnout 3: Takedown
Song Collection - Def Jam: Fight for NY
Song Collection - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - WINNER
Song Collection - Tony Hawk's Underground 2
Sound Editing in a Game Cinema - Doom 3 - WINNER
Sound Editing in a Game Cinema - Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
Sound Effects - Call of Duty: United Offensive
Sound Effects - Doom 3 - WINNER
Sound Effects - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Sound Effects - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Sound Effects - Pikmin 2
Use of Sound - Doom 3
Use of Sound - Half-Life 2
Use of Sound - Myst IV: Revelation
Use of Sound - Silent Hill 4: The Room - WINNER
Use of Sound - Thief: Deadly Shadows
Voice Performance, Lead - Cary Elwes, "The Bard's Tale"
Voice Performance, Lead - Michael Ironside, "Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow"
Voice Performance, Lead - Vin Diesel, "Chronicles of Riddick: E.F.B.B."
Voice Performance, Lead - Young Maylay, "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" - WINNER
Voice Performance, Supporting - David Cross, "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"
Voice Performance, Supporting - Dennis Haysbert, "Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow"
Voice Performance, Supporting - Matt Olsen, "Sly 2: Band of Thieves"
Voice Performance, Supporting - Max Casella, "Jak III"
Voice Performance, Supporting - Peter Fonda, "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" - WINNER
Writing…Dialogue - Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Writing…Dialogue - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Writing…Dialogue - Katamari Damacy
Writing…Dialogue - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - WINNER
Writing…Dialogue - The Bard's Tale
Writing…Story - Breakdown
Writing…Story - Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Writing…Story - Fable
Writing…Story - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - WINNER
Writing…Story - The Suffering