National Energy Brokerage Company, AUS, now Licensed in Mass

Top Quote Energy brokerage company, Alternative Utility Services, Inc. (AUS) has been officially approved and licensed to provide services in the state of Mass. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) July 26, 2013 - Alternative Utility Service's (AUS) competitive electric supplier application has been approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. AUS is now officially licensed under license number EB-250 to provide electricity broker services to commercial and industrial customers throughout Massachusetts.

    Licensing of alternative suppliers is required by the public utility commissions (PUCs) of all deregulated states. In some states, the brokers and consultants that work with them are also required to be licensed. AUS complies with all PUC requirements and is in good standing in the states in which they operate.

    "We're excited to be able to provide our services to Massachusetts," said Fritz Kreiss, President and Co-Founder of Alternative Utility Services. "As a state, Mass. is committed to encouraging the lowest electricity rates through healthy competition while also supporting the ongoing development of renewable wind and solar energy."

    AUS is also licensed in several other states including Illinois, Maryland, Maine, New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

    Alternative Utility Services, Inc., was established 1993. It is a licensed energy consulting company providing energy brokerage and aggregation services nationwide. AUS provides a wide range of professional procurement and consulting services including electric, gas, residential, reverse auction, demand response, auditing, and benchmarking. 800-392-4287

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