MPAI has concluded its 53rd General Assembly (MPAI-53) releasing the first version of the MPAI Metaverse Model Open-Source Reference Software and kicking off the new project Compression and Understanding of Industrial Data (MPAI-CUI) – Company Performance Prediction (CUI-CPP) V2.0.
MPAI has concluded its 52nd General Assembly (MPAI-52) approving publication of Technical Report: Server-based Predictive Multiplayer Gaming (MPAI-SPG) – Mitigation of data loss effects (SPG-MDL) V1.0.
MPAI has concluded its 51st General Assembly (MPAI-51) approving publication of the Compression and Understanding of Industrial data (MPAI-CUI) V2.0 Call for Technologies
MPAI has concluded its 49th General Assembly by approving for publication with a request for community comments of Technical Specification: AI Framework (MPAI-AIF) V2.1 and Technical Specification: Data Types, Formats, and Attributes (MPAI-TFA) V1.2.
MPAI has concluded its 47th General Assembly (MPAI-47) by approving for publication the Context-based Audio Enhancement (MPAI-CAE) V2.2 standard and the new Data Types, Formats, and Attributes (MPAI-TFA) V1.0 standard for Community Comments. The new versions are released using the new full web-based publication method.
MPAI has concluded its 46th General Assembly (MPAI-46) by approving for publication the new Version 1.1 of the Human and Machine Communication V1.1 standard.
MPAI has concluded its 45th General Assembly (MPAI-45) by approving for publication the new AI Module Profiles, Neural Network Watermarking Reference Software, and the Multimodal Conversation Reference Software.
MPAI has concluded its 43rd General Assembly (MPAI-43) approving the publication of the draft AI Module Profile V1.0 Standard with a request for Community Comments.
MPAI has concluded its 42nd General Assembly (MPAI-42) approving the release of Reference Software using Neural Network Watermarking for Generative AI applications.
MPAI has concluded its 41st General Assembly (MPAI-41) approving the publication of two standards and announcing the availability of all its standards in linked form on the web.
MPAI has concluded its 39th General Assembly (MPAI-39) approving the publication of the Context-based Audio Enhancement standard and Object and Scene Description standard for Community Comments.
MPAI, non-profit, and unaffiliated organisation developing AI-based data coding standards has concluded its 38th General Assembly (MPAI-38) approving the release of a new version of its Neural Network Watermarking reference software and the start of the development of the new XR Venues – Live Theatrical Stage Performance standard.
MPAI, Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence, the international, non-profit, and unaffiliated organisation developing AI-based data coding standards has concluded its 37th General Assembly (MPAI-36) approving the start of a new project on AI for Health.
The founder of MPEG, Leonardo Chiariglione, inspired by the prospects of AI, is leading an initiative to drive AI standards that will supercharge next-generation immersive entertainment venues.
MPAI, Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence, the international, non-profit, and unaffiliated organisation developing AI-based data coding standards has concluded its 36th General Assembly (MPAI-36) approving the publication of five standards.
The founder of MPEG, Leonardo Chiariglione, inspired by the prospects of AI, is leading an initiative to drive AI standards that will supercharge next-generation immersive entertainment venues.
The international, non-profit, and unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) organisation developing AI-based data coding standards has concluded its 35th General Assembly (MPAI-35) approving the publication of three Calls for Technologies and five Technical Reports with request for Community Comments.
The international, non-profit, and unaffiliated Mov-ing Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) organisation developing AI-based data coding standards has concluded its 34th General Assembly (MPAI-34) approving the Call for Technologies: Connected Autonomous Vehicle (MPAI-CAV) – Architecture.
The international, non-profit, and unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) organisation developing AI-based data coding standards has concluded its 33rd General Assembly (MPAI-33) approving the Call for Technologies: MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) – Architecture. Responses are due by 10 July.
The MPAI organisation developing AI-based data coding standards has concluded its 32nd General Assembly (MPAI-32) communicating that IEEE has published three MPAI standards – Multimodal Conversation, AI Framework, and Context-based Audio Enhancement – adopted without modifications.
Geneva, Switzerland – 19 April 2023. The international, non-profit, and unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) organisation developing AI-based data coding standards has concluded its 31st General Assembly (MPAI-31) approving Version 1 of the MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionality Profiles.
MPAI has concluded its 30th General Assembly (MPAI-30) approving publication of
WD0.3 of the MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionalities Profiles for Comunity Comments and Context-based Audio Enhancement (MPAI-CAE) Technical Specification Version 2.
The international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 29th General Assembly (MPAI-29) approving a new version of its Audio Enhancement (MPAI-CAE) Technical Specification posted for Community Comments and the Neural Network Watermarking (MPAI-NNW) Reference Software.
MPAI has concluded its 27th General Assembly (MPAI-27) celebrating the adoption without modifications of three MPAI Technical Specifications as IEEE standards, and approving the publication of the MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) draft Technical Report and the Neural Network Watermarking (MPAI-NNW) draft Technical Specification for community comments.
The international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 26th General Assembly (MPAI-26). MPAI is calling for new members to support the development of its work program.
MPAI has concluded its 25th General Assembly. Among the outcomes is the decision, based on substantial inputs received in response to its Calls for Technologies, to extend 3 of its existing standards and to initiate the development of 2 new standards.
The international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 24th General Assembly (MPAI-24). Among the outcomes is the appointment of MPAI Store Ltd, a company limited by guarantee incorporated in Scotland, as the “MPAI Store” referenced to by the Governance of the MPAI Ecosystem standard.
The international, non-profit, unaffiliated MPAI standards developing organisation has concluded its 23rd General Assembly (MPAI-23). Among the outcomes are three documents produced to facilitate the task of drafting a response to the currently open CfTs and one document that one document that will facilitate the identification and positioning of the technologies defined in the MMC V2.
Today the international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 22nd General Assembly. Among the outcomes is the publication of three Calls for Technologies supporting the Use Cases and Functional Requirements.
Geneva, Switzerland – 20 April 2022. The international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 19th General Assembly. Among the outcomes is the publication of the working draft of the Use Cases and Functional Requirements of the planned Version 2 of the Multimodal Conversation (MPAI-MMC).
The international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 18th General Assembly. Among the outcomes is the publication of Call for Patent Pool Administrators for two of its approved Technical Specifications.
The Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 17th General Assembly. Among the outcomes are: progress towards the establishment of a patent pool for its published standards and a roadmap to establish the MPAI Store Foundation.
The Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 16th General Assembly, the first of 2022, approving its 2022 work program.
The Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded the year 2021, its first full year of operation approving its fifth standard for publication.
After releasing 3 official standards, today the Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has published one standard for final publication and one draft standard for community comments, the step before official release.
After releasing 3 official standards at its previous monthly General Assembly, today the Moving Pic¬ture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has published 1 more draft standard for comments, the step before official release.
Established exactly one year ago as an international, unaffiliated, not for profit association, MPAI is proud to announce that the first two AI-powered standards approved today serve two of the many industries targeted by MPAI: financial risk assessment and human-to-machine communication. The 3rd standard addresses the governance of the ecosystem generated by MPAI standards.
At its 11th General Assembly, the international, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has published 2 draft standards and 1 foundational document for comment.
At its 10th General Assembly, the international Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards association has continued the development of 4 standards, progressed the study of functional requirements of 4 projects and refined the definition of two use cases.
At its 8th General Assembly, the international, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards association has received substantial proposals in response to its Call for Technologies on AI-based Company Performance Prediction Use Case.
MPAI standards association has promoted its 4th standard project Compression and understanding of industrial data (MPAI-CUI) to the Call for Technologies stage. The standard aims to enable Artificial Intelligence based filtering and extraction of information from a company’s governance, financial and risk data enabling prediction of company performance
Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI), an international unaffiliated standards association, has approved a Call for Technologies (CfT) for publication.The CfT concerns tech-nologies for MPAI-AIF, acronym of the MPAI AI Frame¬work standard with the goal to enable set up and execution of mixed processing and infer¬ence work¬flows