Moviiu Revolutionizes Art Transportation: An Interview with CEO Florian Hervouet

Top Quote An interview with Moviiu's CEO Florian Hervouet about the company's revolutionary shipping solution and the digitalisation of the art market. End Quote
  • (1888PressRelease) June 18, 2024 - A new player, Moviiu, is disrupting the discreet and confidential art transportation market. As part of the French Horus Group, the world leader in art transportation with 17 logistics companies on five continents, Moviiu bridges the gap between conventional courier services and highly specialized art logistics firms. Moviiu consistently focuses on digital innovation with its advanced shipping solution for art. Founded in 2020 in Geneva, the company now operates from its offices in Berlin and Paris in the two largest European art markets, Germany and France. Since the beginning of the year, experienced logistics expert Florian Hervouet has been leading the company from its Paris headquarters.

    Mr. Hervouet, you are a recognized logistics expert and have worked for many years with international courier services. What led you from these global delivery services to the small and specialized market of art transportation?

    The shipping chains of international courier services are highly complex processes. All parts must work together seamlessly to ensure that the delivery chains, focused on efficiency, quantity, and speed, run smoothly. At Chronopost and TNT, I was responsible for standardizing shipping processes and unifying the tools used across the entire network. Transporting art is also a complex undertaking, as artworks not only have high material and immaterial value but also have very specific shipping requirements. Moviiu has succeeded in developing a secure packaging for transportation, in collaboration with the leading art transporters within our corporate group, and in setting up a digital ordering system with IT experts, allowing anyone to easily ship art worldwide.

    Over the past three years, Moviiu has established a strong position in art transportation in Switzerland with this innovative shipping solution and has built up a growing customer base of galleries, auction houses and international collectors. With the entry into the French and German art market last year, my focus is now on further developing our model for shipping art worldwide, making it more efficient and further improving the already high quality of our art shipments. From my base in France, I therefore also travel to Switzerland or Germany every two weeks to meet the teams, build partnerships and strengthen relationships.

    And where is Moviiu headed?

    Our goal in the past years has been to coordinate and seamlessly integrate the individual steps from the design of a user-friendly ordering process and the production of secure transport packaging through to transportation via shipping partners. With the successful completion of this development phase, we have now created a solid basis for further expanding our activities in the current markets in Germany, France and Switzerland - without compromising the high service quality of our shipping solution for art.

    In the coming year, the focus will now be on developing further markets and expanding our services. On the one hand, this involves geographical expansion to other countries, but also the integration of our digital shipping solution via an API interface with online sales platforms for art, online galleries and online auction houses.

    At the same time, it is essential for continuous growth to industrialize our model. This includes the constant optimization of our processes to ensure efficiency and systematization and to guarantee the quality and reliability of our services.

    How does your digital shipping solution fit into an art market that is known for its spectacular auction results and shaped by traditions?

    Indeed, it's an extremely diverse market, both in terms of the types of works and the values. With Moviiu, we position ourselves in the mid-price segment up to EUR 100,000, which makes up most of the market, and with our tailor-made packaging we can ship pretty much anything on the market: from art objects such as paintings and sculptures to design objects and small pieces of furniture, as well as valuable items such as watches and jewelry.

    I am also observing the trend towards digitalization in the art market. With Moviiu, we offer the right interface to handle art transportation digitally and in a user-friendly way. In my opinion, personal customer service remains crucial despite the trend towards digitalization and therefore also plays a major role in our approach. We are therefore continuing to invest in this area in order to offer our customers a personal and personalized experience.

    In three words: What makes Moviiu special?

    Without hesitation, I would say: comprehensive offer, digitalization and customer service. These three elements form the core of our strategy to offer all our customers an individual and tailor-made experience.

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